So, I went from stage three to Failure very quickly (less than a year). My plan was always to go straight to PD, as it seemed to best fit my life.
My doc had other plans and was almost instantly in the hospital having a chest tunnel put in for Hemo. That was ok in the beginning and my fistula was then created. After about a month of Hemo with no problems, I suddenly started having real issues with it: intense migraines, cramping, nausea and vomiting, and the lovely exhaustion.
So my doctor fast tracked me to PD - happy dance. M catheter was inserted at the beginning of January which meant I should have been trained starting January 15 to be on home PD Dialysis by the end of the month.
Training day one and flush . . . catheter did not work, would not discharge fluid.
Back to surgery for a revision Feb 6.
Training day one and flush Feb 13 . . . Catheter was blocked, so the next day a high grade nurse was there and was able to force flush it and got it working. The next day the flush worked fine.
Training was postponed a week due to a staff members death in the family. So I was scheduled to start training again on the Feb 23.
Training day 1, Feb 23 . . . Guess what, catheter did not work. It was sucking on a lining and would not drain again . . .
Waiting now to see a different surgeon for another revision (or replacement) but cant even get a consultation until the 4th of April.
I need off of Hemo has it is literally killing me! I felt fine prior to dialysis and since starting my life has been pretty much non-existent from either sickness or complete lack of energy.