Coffee is an addiction 😫 and I was sick and couldn't get up to make Coffee and went through detox with a huge headache. I felt Luke Coffee had poisoned me. Plus I don't feel like I should drink it because I have this hyperfiltration thing happening. I can drink coffee all day and not water so TIME TO QUIT
I know that I said I can't give up coffee.. - Kidney Disease
I know that I said I can't give up coffee..

Oh boy, cutting coffee cold turkey is horrible. My husband could drink high test coffee all day. So what I did was cut the coffee grounds to half decaf. He did not notice the difference at first but now, if he drinks high test, oh boy. He could drink the whole pot if I let him, but I do not. I dump it after we have our one mug. His mug is however over 18 ounces.... I also disallowed caffeinated soda products in the house when we first got married. He could consume a 2 liter bottle a day. Too expensive and just awful for your system. He had to switch over to something and now he drinks flavored water.
Start small and slow and reward yourself when you get over the hump.
I gave up coffee, at least caffeinated, but advised that it might be contributing to irregular heartbeat. We'll see.
Don’t go cold turkey, because that’s way too hard. I switched to Mushroom coffee. It’s a healthier alternative with added health benefits. It has less caffeine too. I am now down to two cups daily.
WINj3...mushroom coffee????? What the heck is that?
Ok, I found this:
I used to LOVE that stuff. Stopped it cold turkey, but I really miss it!
Since my neph said no coffee, it's a good thing my GERD had put me on tea-and I'm not British!