I am to have a crystoscopy through the urethra and worried about the probe being the width of a pencil as I cannot see how my penis can possibly accommodate it.Do they have various sizes they use ? Any replies to stop my anxiety welcome.
Crystoscopy camera: I am to have a... - Kidney Disease
Crystoscopy camera

Please calm down. Think about this... how do you think a woman gives birth to an 8lb baby? A scope is so easy
Thanks my friend
If there is pain it will only last a few minutes. Mostly I think they say discomfort.
my dad had bladder cancer and had these done several times. You are give a little local anaesthetic at the area to ensure you have as limited discomfort as possible. Please try not to worry they will look after you throughout the procedure. Take care
I had that done last year, and was not looking forward to it at all, especially as I have phimosis (Tight Foreskin). It did not help watching many YouTube video's that would scare the life out of you regarding the procedure.
In the event it was not all that bad, about 10-15% bit of discomfort, which is very brief, (mere seconds) as it went in the urinary channel, bit like the dentist. Then didn't really feel it at all while the Doctor was inside the bladder for a good ten minutes looking around. Compassionate, kind, smiling nurse's standing by head, telling me to relax, and how it was going to be okay.
The Doctor will put in a bit of numbing gel, so that it will slide down the urethra easily. You can ask him to wait a few moments after the numbing gel goes in, before he put's the cystoscope inside, and he may or may not oblige. In my case, he went straight in, after applying the numbing gel.
If by chance the discomfort is unbearable during the procedure, let the Doctor know, so that he can adjust what he is doing.
But the sense of sheer and utter relief, after the procedure was over, was something else. Knowing for months the procedure had to get done at some stage, just getting it out of the way, was great.
Bite the bullet, get it done, so they can keep an eye on your internal health, would be my suggestion.
My husband has had cancer for 12 years and has this test done a couple of times a year. It is not painful, just a little uncomfortable. I am allowed to be there during the procedure and seeing the inside of his bladder etc, magnified on a TV screen is pretty amazing. If you do have a tumor or obstruction of any kind, you can see it and understand more what is going on in your own body. If the picture shows nothing, that is a great relief!
My husband, who is sitting next to me, says this: "No worries - the doctor will numb you very well. You won't feel pain. It's a simple process that's usually done in a doctor's office. So you walk in and you walk out." My husband has had four of them to diagnose problems and/or place stents. I trust the procedure helps you with your treatment.
He's doing well - he's had issues but has always gotten back up and moved on. You and my husband are exactly the same age. Sometimes one's body needs a bit of attention and fixing as age sets in. But, here I am - cheering both of you on - keep circling the sun!