Still having a hard time finding the right food. Never full and eat way to many carbs. No meat. I believe that the weight lost will help my kidney function. Want to try the Optivia diet to lose 25 lbs. Please help. I'm desperate.
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You do not mention if you have a CKD level diet; and any diet change is best to contact your Doctor or Dietitian.
I you have CKD, please run the Optivia diet through your Doctor or better yet a Dietitian certified for CKD.
Your Kidneys are precious.

Hi Babygirl,
I understand your frustration with finding the right combination of foods and desire to slim down a bit, but not at the expense of your health.
I read over the Optivia diet. It is one of many. " gimmick" diets; meaning they sell you their food which are pre-packaged, tiny portioned and loaded with sodium.
Short term solution to a long term problem.
Losing weight and staying healthy is a life long project. I know. After the discovery of my kidney disease, I decided that it not a diet that I needed but lifestyle change.
I started with a renal dietician who based on my labs, gave me some suggestions which are kidney- friendly and appetizing. She also pointed out foods that are high in potassium and phosphorous.
Like the members have suggested, a great place to start.
I then read and put both together to find the lifestyle, meaning I found new sets of foods that I liked and enjoyed them to the point that I don't miss the pizza and junk at all.
My choices; I eat alot of vegetables; steamed and roasted with non salt seasoning. Added some hummus which was great. Salads can find new meaning based on what you add to them.
Cabbage is filling and there are many things that you can cook it with and make with it. Cauliflower also has multi-purposes as do onions. Peppers the same and you can stuff them with no salt seasoned breadcrumbs and varied vegetables. You can make your own coleslaw with mayo, cabbage and vinegar.
I am a label reader and don't touch any salad dressing with more than 210mg of sodium.
Love fresh or fresh frozen strawberries, blueberries and rasberries without syrup. I add a dash of light non- dairy creamer. I also slice up apples and pineapple.
I can have frozen yogurt, but I watch the labels and avoid chocolate. I no longer need large amounts; portion control.
Cream of Wheat is great
with a dash of Apple pie seasoning, cinnamon and stevia and has alot of iron in it. Breakfast.
Coffee with almond milk, slices of light wheat toast with Smart Balance Light Flaxeed or a half plain bagel with hummus.
Bear in mind that most cheeses are high in sodium and phosphorous.
This is where your dietician would come in.
Every person's needs are different.
I also drink 25-50 oz of water daily without fail.
I eat out with friends; I am not dieting and they don't have a clue that I am a renal patient.
I am just attentive to what I order from a restaurant - low sodium choices, salads and no fried or fast food. Don't miss it either.
I have had vegetable burritos with no tomatoes, extra veggies and wind up eating half. Pasta with an olive oil and garlic.
I found that I was not hungry and shocked as soon and without realizing it, weight began coming off.
It didn't happen overnight as there is no such cure, but it was jaw dropping to step on the scale at the doctors office and see my number.
I know that it's a struggle. I hope that this has helped. These are some choices that I have chosen as you asked and my nephrologist is on board with. Your renal needs may be different.
The big thing is not to be hard on yourself.
Please reach out if I can be of further support. Happy to talk. Remember that it's all a process.
Bet, thanks for your response! You are not gonna believe this. I met with my Neph today and he told me that 1 month on that diet would not hurt me. I was shocked. He said he had a patient to ask him about it yesterday. He googled it and we discussed. We can't find a reason other than medicine that I took for cancer or pain medication. I take no medication at all. I am 69. I had breast cancer 26 and 11 years ago. I had a mastectomy but had to take arimidex for 5 years. Side affects, high blood, weight gain and kidney issues. Gained 35 lbs. Need to lose 25 to get back. I have had anxiety, can't drive across tall bridges. However, my BP was 126/68 today. I walk 3-4 times a week or more for 4-5 miles. Some weeks I walk more. I have had a Ct scan, kidneys are good, bladder releasing great. No diabetes. I really want to wear my clothes again and be healthy again. My girlfriend did it and lost 40 lbs. She looks great. Trying to find a Nutritionist
No thanks needed. I am happy to communicate with you.
Unbelievable what you have been through! You are an amazing woman! Other than the CKD, your nephrologist and PCP must be so pleased.
Glad that you had a positive visit with your nephrologist today. I have never walked in your shoes but do understand the frustration of annoying weight.
The decision to try this diet is between you and your nephrologist as he'll monitor you. If nothing else, it'll be a start to getting the weight down.
It's short term, but a start.
If you have a Davita in your area, look into their 90 minute Smart Class as they are free and informative. Davita also employs renal dieticians, social workers etc. If their dietician can't work with you, perhaps they can recommend one.
Another way may be to call the patient assistance/ health center at your attending hospital as they may have someone who works with renal patients both in privately and as admitted patients. I found the RD that I worked with.
In the meantime, stay strong and positive as the weight will come off.
Sending a couple of links to look over.
Please reach back and let me know how you are doing. I'm in your corner!
Thanks Bet117. I am a little reluctant to try it as I am doing my research on the diets. I know it is easier if i have help. My friend is doing Paleo and lost 7 lbs. I don't want to get discouraged.
Hi back, Baby girl,
When in doubt, leave it out. If you are still researching then just try to eat clean and use portion control.
Bear in mind, that what may work well and expediently for one person, may not for another.
Additionally, you want to keep the weight off, which many diets are a short term solution. Television is filled with famous people advertising various diets, what they don't tell you is that the weight came back.
I have confidence that you will find a lifestyle rather than a diet; the weight will come off. I fight this battle every day.
Support can be obtained. from many different sources.
You can do it!
Thank you Bet. I love your optimistic natureThat always helps!
Gosh, no thanks ever heeded! We are friends, even behind a screen. Friends cheer each other and stand by each other.
You can do it! Just be patient with yourself and don't look for a miracle drop...take each day at a time!
Be proud that you have taken the initiative to improve the outer packaging as the inside packaging is beautiful. 👑
It's a process..
Let me know how you are doing!
Here are 3 cookbooks I have ordered recently to help with my kidney friendly diet. They are reasonable priced. "Stopping Kidney Disease Food Guide" by Lee Hull It meets the National Kidney Foundation/ American Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics 2020.
"Renal Diet Cookbook for Beginners" by Lacy Holland
"Renal Diet Cookbook for Beginners" by Caren Cooper with a 21 day meal plan included.
Good Luck!!
Thanks Robin. I am copying what I sent to Bet.
You are not gonna believe this. I met with my Neph today and he told me that 1 month on that diet would not hurt me. I was shocked. He said he had a patient to ask him about it yesterday. He googled it and we discussed. We can't find a reason other than medicine that I took for cancer or pain medication. I take no medication at all. I am 69. I had breast cancer 26 and 11 years ago. I had a mastectomy but had to take arimidex for 5 years. Side affects, high blood, weight gain and kidney issues. Gained 35 lbs. Need to lose 25 to get back. I have had anxiety, can't drive across tall bridges. However, my BP was 126/68 today. I walk 3-4 times a week or more for 4-5 miles. Some weeks I walk more. I have had a Ct scan, kidneys are good, bladder releasing great. No diabetes. I really want to wear my clothes again and be healthy again. My girlfriend did it and lost 40 lbs. She looks great. Trying to find a Nutritionist