I'm insulin dependant and i am on pd DIALYSIS. My kidney had failed completely. I was on hemo dialysis from December to July last year. It was not good and didn't work at all for me not if course it was what I had to do cause if my kidney failure. From July to current doing PD DIALYSIS and it is so much better. I have other health issues, like anxiety... For one . I'm also on the kidney/pancreas transplant list. Somebody gave this website cause I struggle with having people to talk to, just in general cause of all my health I just don't want to burden people but I feel like really alone. Just a little lost is all.
CKD on PD DIALYSIS : I'm insulin dependant... - Kidney Disease

Well, you found a great place to chat or vent and share with others who have similar medical or everyday problems. Glad you found a dialysis treatment that us working for you. Keep us posted about how it's going and what other issues you may want to share. Meanwhile, hope you have a good week. Best always
Hi! This is a great place to vent and to read what other people are going through, it helps me realise what i feel and experience is ‘normal’.
Good luck with your PD!
Hi RHOC.You are on rite place to chat with people and share your experience of life and others opinion that work well for a healthy and long life.
Well start walking near 2 to 3 km and cycling will help to maintain your sugar level.
Take a healthy vegetarian diet will also help to reboost your pancreas activity.
Hope for best and healthy life.
welcome home RHOC.feel free to holler anytime.
You won't be alone here. From what I gather quite a few people do PD. I just had surgery to place the catheter so will be starting soon. If you have any tips to make the adjustment easier, fling them my way.
I don't have diabetes so can't speak to that struggle but other people here do and will be happy to chat with you. Hang in there you're among friends now.
hello again just wanted to give you a proper welcome. From your other post I know you are doing pd. Why did hemo not work for you. I have heard pro and cobs of it is why I’m decided on pd but sometimes I think should I have chose hemo. You said pd been working really well so that really good. It is also good to know why you are on kidney failure so glad you figure that out. I may have some other questions I will send your way I will message you again.
Hello RHOC! My kidneys failed in 2017 from an autoimmune disease. I started out on hemo with a chest catheter that was placed when I was in the hospital. My Neph told me that a catheter is temporary and cannot be used long term. He went on to tell me he thought I was a good candidate for PD so we scheduled the surgery to have the PD catheter placed. From a personal standpoint, I can tell you being in the hemo center with about 15 other people was a nightmare and I couldn't wait to get out of there. There was way too much drama in there. On the other hand, having the machine and all the supplies at home was somewhat of a challenge. Lifting and trying to hang 5,000 ml bags on the underside of a cart requires some strength. Also, I did not drain well when lying down so I had a lot of broken sleep because I would have to sit up or stand up when the drain cycle came around. Good luck to you and as others have said, this is a good place to share experiences.
Can you please tell us how is PD better than Hemodialysis. Need some insights as I am on hemodialysis for 4 yrs.
My husband, a T2D, also transitioned from HD to PD - his preferred form of dialysis. I don't know what LLWegeners was told. However, our transplant center informed us that PD was the best choice since it's better in preventing arterial calcification of the blood vessels needed for transplant. This is because PD doesn't require accessing the blood vessels unlike HD. We were also told diabetics are at a higher risk of contracting arterial calcification, so the decision was easy for us to make. Thankfully, my husband managed to get his transplant a year later.
Both are good at filtering the blood so most of the time it's a personal choice. I have seen on this forum that someone was told that hemo wasn't working for them and they had to go with PD. And I know some people's peritoneal membrane doesn't transfer well so it doesn't work for them. My Neph told me PD is a lot easier on the body. You have a little more freedom in your life. PD is done at night while you sleep so you have every day to yourself. I would say it's probably easier to travel with PD. The downside is that you have to keep a lot of supplies at your house and some people don't have the room for it.
Did you know that in 2022 two patients had porcine kidneys attached with similar results to human transplants? You would be an ideal candidate for an experimental procedure like this. However since you have complications and it's still early in the research, the government or doctors might not accept you. Xenotranspants could save many lives in the future but it is experimental with unknown longer term risks. Do not be afraid but seek the best path forward and know there are people here you don't even know who understand and care about you.
Additionally the “artificial kidney” is now in phase 1 FDA trials in the US. If funding is there it could be approved in 3/5 years if a “normal” FDA approval process and it works as it has in development and early testing. This replaces the diseased kidneys that have failed and eliminates the need for dialysis. Here is the website:
This is the link to the “about” section on KidneyX:
Prayers to you friend. It is a hard road but you are never alone. We are all here for you.
For those patients in the UK here is a similar site for support: