The questions about protein in the urine....? - Kidney Disease
The questions about protein in the urine....?

Thanks for the new video.
One interesting point (minute 50) is that potential improvement in proteinuria (or at least use of ACE/ARB) may REDUCE eGFR. Please send next video that's indicated for that - or maybe you know the reason?
Im interested in case it explains why my mum's trends in proteinuria and eGFR appear to be opposing. Over the past 5y+, her eGFR has generally steadily increased whilst her proteinuria has steadily worsened. The only time her eGFR worsened (3m ago = 46ml/min), her proteinuria improved! She's just received latest results showing better eGFR than before (59ml/min) so back to improving trend with signs of eGFR stabilising at ~60ml/min. Unfortunately no urine data measured this time.
Footnote: I had some difficulty following the measurements/units in the video (not helped by coughing - maybe he needs medical support lol!) but I think the key thresholds indicated outside of the US are:
1. 24h urine protein output <300mg. Mum's July fig is 0.26g after having steadily increased to 0.44g.
2. Urine protein/creatinine ratio <30 mg/mmol. Mum's July fig is 26 after having steadily increased to 44. Note: Her urine albumin/creatinine ratio was 15.7 mg/mmol, so maintaining a steady increase in recent years (?).
Agree these are the key thresholds in the video?
NB her total cholesterol and non-HDL are ~30% o/range but stable and she's post-menopausal which may account for it.
I take Losartin (ARB) for high BP and my Nephrologist told me that it is good for kidneys and he actually takes it himself even though he doesn't have kidney disease. He said it helps dilate the openings of the blood vessels.

Thanks but I'm unclear if/how that explains the apparently inverse relationship between eGFR and proteinuria experienced by mum?

they say a lot of things that I have trouble believing
They didn't make it yet. Yes, I heard that too. I am going to ask my neph about that.