Hello All, New to this group and I thank all in advance for all this wonderful information. My egfr has dropped from 61 to 44 over the last year. Blood work is good other than creatinine level from 1.19 to 1.59 in a year. I take lisinopril for controlled HBP. My nephrologist is leaning toward that drug becoming a problem and has taken me off it to see if blood work improves. I would like to know if any other CKD individuals have had a problem with lisinopril and if they have had improvement after eliminating the drug. I was on lisinopril for about 20 years. Thanks for any advice.
Lisinopril and CKD: Hello All, New to this... - Kidney Disease
Lisinopril and CKD

Hi. Yes I had similar issue with the lisinopril based on what doctors said (more than one neph). Once my kidney deteriorated last year, they took me off lisinopril saying that although this BP medication is great protecting the kidney when the kidney is reasonable healthy but it is hard on the kidney when it’s function deteriorated as I have now gfr less than 20 and creatinine 3.2. So they put me on amlodipine 7.5 mg per day. The blood pressure was fluctuating sometimes up to 150 (upper reading) and sometimes low to 100, depends on the stress level of my day, the lower reading was always around 80. Then they increased to 10 mg per day because they wanted to see BP at 130/70, no use and it caused scary swelling in my feet so I had to wear compressing socks all day and that helped with the swelling. They went back to 7.5mg per day. However, when I lost more than 40 lbs in my weight due to being on VLPD and watching the amount I eat besides walking everyday 1-1.5 hrs , I check my BP and only now I see it stable with no spike fluctuations, and in the range around 130/70. I measure every few day at home once , when I go to the supermarket using their commercial one, and in the doctor office. All readings are consistent. I don’t see high fluctuations as before. Hope this helps.
My nephrologist said basically the same thing about Lisinopril as you have stated. I am also on amlodipine. I have been off Lisinopril now for a few days and my BP has not changed (usually 115/60). A question: has your kidney numbers improved after stopping lisinopril?
My nephrologist said I should have had my lisinopril dosage reduced or eliminated in the past. I have a tendency to have higher BP at the doctors office but always told my family doc it was much lower at home. Sometimes docs don't hear what you have to say. My nephrologist thankfully listens to me, Thanks for your response
My kidney function improved a little but not because of stopping lisinopril. You need to take your BP device that you use at home to the doctor’s office to calibrate. This to make sure it is working well when you measure at home if you do. It is normal to have BP a bit higher in the doctor office, they call it white coat syndrome.
Based on my own research, I'd never go on any BP med other than amlodipine.
Yes I was taking Lisinopril and went to nephrologist. All of my bloodwork was abnormal and I was taken off of it. My doctor explained that my kidneys were being dehydrated. My kidney function did go back up but it was quite a scare.
Well this is news! I was on lisinopril right up until the day of my transplant … if that tells you anything. After transplant, I was put on amlodipine (Marvin8 mentioned this med above). I was taken off of Bp med altogether soon after transplant.

First of all, please know that we are all different as are the medications we take for high BP, etc. My nephrologist swore by Losartan, as it would protect my transplant. The side effects of being light-headed, etc were too much for me. I can't take Amlodipine or Lisinopril either, although many swear by it.Like I said we are all different. You need to work with your doctor to find the right med that will control your BP and also protect your kidneys. What is good for me, may not be the best for you.
I am over 22 years post-transplant with a creatinine of 0.9. I take Metoprolol in am and Cardura in the pm
I was on Losartan for several years but had to come off it because it might have been affecting my kidney function. Generally it's beneficial for the kidneys, except in some cases.....when it apparently can cause severe kidney failure.
HI! I was on 30 mg of lisinopril and my eGFR was declining. I was diagnosed with Stage 3a CKD. Since cutting down on my lisinopril, my eGFR seems to be better. We are monitoring it closely.