Is it common for gfr to rise and fall but water retaining keeps on?no salt,alcohol,smoking,etc I'm on water pill and BP,I went from 40 to 48 but can't seem to lose water weight.i don't go bathroom that often.
Uprise in gfr but holding : Is it common for... - Kidney Disease
Uprise in gfr but holding

This is something you should be asking your doctor. Water retention is not always just the kidney's issue. It can also be from improper blood flood. So talk to your doc.
Are you active?
Yes I'm always moving around and doing things.cant figure it out

Make sure you have a conversation with your nephrologist regarding your water retention. Bassetmommer is right. The retention can have another cause. Need to have your doctor figure it out and the cause for sure and help.Pre-transplant my nephrologist had me on Lasix (water pill) every other day.
I am now 22+ years post-transplant and the last few years have found that I once again have kidney related edema. But my nephrologist did determine that it was not heart related.
Start with your doctor...