Hi everyone, My 86 year old Uncle got his labs back and his GFR is now at 7 😔 Doctor suggests having hospice come to the house and start the process. He is in denial because he is in no pain. His other symptoms are present just no pain. Thank God! We don’t know what to expect. We do know we want him home and not in a hospital. It is so unbelievably hard taking care of a loved one not knowing when the shift will happen. Thank you all for listening…
86 year old Uncle GFR 7: Hi everyone, My 8... - Kidney Disease
86 year old Uncle GFR 7

Thank you for sharing. I worked for Hospice for over three years, they will take good care of you and him. Anticipatory grief is a real and expected emotion., so make sure to get some support for yourself a therapist or other support. Sending prayers and hugs to you.

Why would he be in the hospital?? Home Dialysis is an option. Blessings
Sending lots of positive and healing energy your way.
Hello you didn't say how long he has had ckd and what caused it but if he is healthy other then kidney failure and he's open to dialysis then it should be his choice. I have know 90 years olds that have been on dialysis
Thank you for your response. His Primary watched his numbers decrease and we went to a specialist in January of 2021. He has declined since then. Now we are at a GFR of 7 😭 he does not want dialysis. I’ve asked for over a year now. He wants thing to stay the way they are
Update on Uncle, His Dr suggested he go on hospice since he will not do Dialysis. So we did. He had his first visit from the Doctor. It was very encouraging as he told us that Uncle could live for years even with his GFR at 7. Amazing! We just have to keep doing what we’ve been doing. The rest is up to God 😊
Thanks for the update... fingers crossed he does live for years. Let us know how he is doing when you can