Hi all. I am a little complicated medically as I also have CML leukemia that has been stable for 7 years. I am also full of OA in my hands, spine, shoulders, etc., that I receive steroid joint injections for. I do not take NSAIDS. I do take slow-release morphine for my spinal stenosis back pain. Anyway, my family doc noted this crazy drop in my GFR from 91 (June of 23) to 47 (June of 24. ) I have had the test repeated x2 and result is the same, except for going down a bit from 47 to 46. Just had a kidney ultrasound and that was basically normal except for exophytic cysts, both sides. Anyone else ever experience this, and was it actually CKD or something that could be reversed? I am completely terrified of kidney failure.
62-year-old female with GFR drop from 91 to... - Kidney Disease
62-year-old female with GFR drop from 91 to 46 in a year.

I am not sure what as I am not a doctor. Let them rule out what is going on. But once you're aware, you can hopefully slow the decline. We can support you with that.
I was thrilled to see your sign on name. I am Bassetmommer. I had bassets for years, until my very favorite passed away. I couldn't take it at the time to get more. But somehow, we ended up with two very abused little dogs instead. We have had them for 11 years. One is currently 18, the other 15. Still going strong. I melt when I see a basset. I wish they made miniatures ones. At one time, I had three very large bassets: two blended and one purebred. What great dogs they are. We are allowed only 3 dogs to a home in the Village.
Anyone who has bassets gets this: "It's a Basset thing."
You could ask your doctor or other medic involved if any of the drugs could cause this but I suggest you do a bit of your own research so you can query/discuss more prepared. For example, see link below indicating a kidney warning for one common steroid for OA. healthline.com/health/drugs...

Wow.....no dialysis for you! Lucky girl but you worked extremely hard for this.
Oh haha!!! Yes, mine will run and hide in her crate the minute she hears the leash or I put my coat on. She wakes up in the morning to eat, and then goes to the couch for her 3-hour nap!!!!! They are notoriously lazy, but they are also very playful at times and it is hilarious when they get the zoomies!!!
I really wonder if it is the steroid injections. Advocating for yourself and standing your ground in today's world is the key to successful management. I learned with my CML diagnosis.
Chemo will often lower your GFR. See a nephrologist immediately for evaluation.