I am a lady 65 years old, I’m swelled all over, my kidneys are at 24% and I give out just to take a shower, does anyone else experience this?
Give out easily with kidney disease - Kidney Disease
Give out easily with kidney disease
Thank you for your reply barbara55109, uncertain whether I’ve been checked for anemia yet or not
I don't ha e anemia but I'm exhausted all the time. I can only do 1 or 2 things a day. I've been this way for years. I'm only stage 3b, I think, but also have diabetes, copd and a few lesser conditions. They all tire us out, not to mention it's also a side effect of a lot of meds.
You say you are swelling all over. That is concerning. You also indicate you are tired all the time. Water retention is more than just being puffy. It impacts all the organs especially the lungs and the heart. With fluid, it is harder to breath and your heart has to work harder. Please call your doctor and see if there is something that can be done. You may need a diuretic and although not good for CKD, they sometimes are necessary to get the fluid off. Do NOT take an over-the-counter product. This needs to be prescribed and monitored. My husband has to take a diuretic even with his CKD. Please also have your doctor review your lab values for your blood levels for hemocrit and hemoglobin. Also see if your VIT D is off or B12. All of those can impact your energy levels and this is why you need to see the doc.
For now, stay away from salty foods. Drink enough water, even though it seems counter to the swelling. This is something your doctor should determine as to how much.
Do not drink a ton of coffee. tea or other energy type products to get through the tiredness. Rest when you can. Believe it or not, exercise will help to revitalize you. Sometime pushing ourselves to get out and do a small walk is very beneficial.
I’m on a diuretic now and just called my nephrologist, waiting for nurse to call back, thank you for your reply Bassetmommer
I’m in stage 5 and I am alsmost 66 not on dialysis yet . I do get tired after shower . I do have anemia . I’m also on a high dosage of lasix I don’t have any swelling in legs . I had pneumonia once and couldn’t breathe so doc up my lasix and he dies labs constantly and he said as long as I’m feeling good on it we will stay on it. He monitors all my meds even one from other doctor . I’m in stay 5 but I’m walking one and half miles a day i didn't start out on that i increased it over time but when I started walking little by little I started feeling more energy we are all different that may just be me but they say exercise is important for kidney disease
I don’t seem to have the energy to do anything
Thank you pigeonman
I am a 75 year old lady, and I didnt experience this until I was down to 12% last year. That was when I also was diagnosed with mild congestive heart disease. Have you had your heart checked lately?
Chicablue, I’ve not had my heart checked lately, my kidney doctor wants me to check my bp several times a day and then call him with the readings, may adjust my fluid pills
It won't solve the tiredness, but if you get a shower chair like I did it will take less energy to take a shower. There are ways to do other things that take less energy. Resting between helps as well.
Best of luck.
Thank you Sophiebun 11