I had six vials of blood drawn and it looks like I may be anemic .my egfr dropped from 47 to 43 and. I am waiting on the them to make the next move.
Update on drs appt: I had six vials of... - Kidney Disease
Update on drs appt
Chun up, my friend. That is an easy fix.
You need to suppliment with Bcomplex particularly B12 and iron if anemic. Try the sublingual kind as it is less constipating. Talk with doc to see of you are an Epogen candidate yet.
Keep us posted. That was not a big drop in eGFR, which can vary. I have CKD 3 and have anemia. I was prescribed b12 for another medical reason. Check with your Doctor and see if appropriate for you and for what level of b12.
There are iron pills that do not cause constipation and stomach issues. Check them out with your nutrition store or look up on Amazon.
Well, six vials of blood seems like alot. I'm very anemic and have requested low volume pedi sticks & doctor finally ok'd my wishes.
Just had my 3rd EPO (Procrit) Labs every 2 weeks adds up.
It can be done but you have to ask. Hope you get good results.