Hi everybody.
I'm heading for my first appointment with my nephrologist on Wednesday. Two consecutive blood tests indicate I'm at a Stage 3a.
What should I expect at the appointment?
Thanks so much.
Hi everybody.
I'm heading for my first appointment with my nephrologist on Wednesday. Two consecutive blood tests indicate I'm at a Stage 3a.
What should I expect at the appointment?
Thanks so much.
Hi Bernardian,
The first appointment can vary depending on your doctor. What you can do is be prepared to ask questions. Ask to go over your labs and if you have a copy of them, you can do some homework by looking up what the values mean. ( see below link) Make them take the time to explain the results. Then ask them if there is a reason, cause or other health issue that is impacting your health and what is the impact on the kidney. Ask to have any medications explained to you and ask if there is any renal toxicity with them. Then ask for what they feel you should be doing about your situation. You might ask for a referral to a renal dietician.
Often doctors do not feel stage 3a is critical. But the changes you can make now, and learning about CKD can help slow down any progression.
Come back here and ask any questions you have.
Hi Bernardian,
Bassetmommer has given you some great thoughts about what to ask at your first nephrology appointment.
Below is a link from the National Kidney Foundation which also may help you prepare for the appointment.
My thoughts; as Bassetmommer suggested, print out a list of any labs done prior and check off any areas which flag high or low, or you may have a question about.
If at all possible, bring a family member with you to scribe the contents of the discussion during the appointment as it will better to allow you to focus on what has been said, plus what is written in your notebook will be a guide to look back at after you leave the office as well as a review for your next appointment. Bring a list of any medications and supplements that you are taking, and possibly a basic list of what you have been eating, as diet, exercise, hydration and medication are key.
You will do fine and reach back to us with satisfaction.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
My appointment went well. I took my wife with me. The doc had my labs from all of my other doctors because they're in the same system, which was helpful. My wife took extensive notes!
Bottom line: He confirmed that I'm stage 3a, but I'm stable due to my diabetes being under control (A1c is 6.1). He scheduled an ultrasound next month to see if my high red blood count could be from some issue with the kidney.
He suggested a Mediterranean diet, which I won't mind at all.
Thanks for the great advice. I'll keep everyone posted.
Thanks again.
Hi Bernardian,
Glad that everything went well.
We have been following a plant based diet in my house for several years and love it. We don't miss the meat and we are both healthier as a result.
The Mediterranean Diet is great.
Go one day at a time and know that things will all fall in.
Stay safe in these uncertain times.
Please reach out again.