What are some early signs of Kidneys Disease? If so was having high AG ratios in blood and urine a sign?
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Questions about Kidneys Disease
Blood in urine could be something else but have they checked your egfr and potassium?
I have not had those checked yet! What were some early symptoms?
I just reread my labs they have my egfr is 117 and my potassium is 3.9.
Try this:kidney.org.uk/Handlers/Down...
I didn't have any symptoms that I noticed but if you ask others here they can help.ive never heard of an egfr that high but I'm not a medical person.
I'd talk to your doctor to find out what's going on
Have GFR checked and potassium. It could be a urinary tract infection have it checked quickly. Take care.
Unfortunately it's very common to have little to no symptoms at all until it's nearly too late. I believe that most symptoms I had were from my right kidney and it likely had little function left at the point where I had localized pain and persistent inflammation on that side.
I felt generally unwell but unable to successfully pinpoint the cause. I had the impression of a drop of performance, mostly mentally and a bit physically. Protein in urine is common but not present for every case; there are also other explanation to this. The other sign would have been GFR.
Is it possible to have an egfr that high?I wonder what system they were using....
Try this:kidney.org.uk/Handlers/Down...
One blood or one urine test does not make CKD. It's usually tests done over time and a doctor can see a trend. With normal eGFR and in a normal range for potassium as 3.5 - 5.0....I would assume that it is not CKD. Protein in your urine can be many things. When doctors run a test for that ratio, AG, they look for an inflammatory disease. The only reason I say that, is that my doctor did that same test a couple months ago looking for an inflammatory reason for me running a low grade fever.I would be asking your doctor the questions you have. I always write mine down or put them in my phone so I don't forget.
My first sign of CKD was high blood pressure. Checking it several times it remained high so doctors started checking my blood and urine. My kidney function wound up being at 50%. Later they did a kidney biopsy, healthier looking kidney by ultrasound and found I had FSGS. My kidneys were getting all scarred up inside.
Unless you are diabetic, there are very few signs that you have kidney disease. That is one of the main problems with kidney disease, you don't know you have it until you are in Stage 3. High Creatinine and lower than normal eGFR are signs in your blood work of a kidney issue
Is it possible to have low gfr but normal creatinine levels? Bc my labs show. Gfr in the 70’s but my creatinine has remained 1.10 for the past 10 years and anytime I use a calculator it puts my gfr in the upper 90’s. My ag ratios and bun are all the same over the years too but the gfr went down over the years idk how it’s possible
Simple observation!
If you’re producing lots of frothy/foamy urine then you’ve got kidneys leak in protein!
NOT RIGHT. Albuminuria or proteinuria😢