Great show this week. The Dr. will be talking about SGLT2 s !! In two weeks...this show they discussed more protein issues, which is good too.
Do you follow DadVice TV? : - Kidney Disease
Do you follow DadVice TV?
Good information. Thank you for sharing. For more information about early stage CKD, please visit:
Yes I do , very much appreciated & respected. Thank you for letting me know. Do you know the exact date?
I've watched a bunch of his videos. He's kind of a hokey, dopey, friendly kind of guy who claims to have been on the verge of dialysis but reversed his condition to high stage 4 or low stage 3 mostly thru diet. He comes across as semi-knowledgeable until you notice that he doesn't know many of the basics that most of us do. The value he brings to the table is the doctor he brings on for the interviews. I suggest you do a lot of research yourself, then watch several of his videos in order to form your own impression. The renal RN he brings on is also mildly informative, not appearing to be on top of the latest research. Bottom line: If you want more in depth knowledge about your disease, you won't find it on his videos. If you only wish to skim the surface for the usual advice, you'll enjoy what he has to say. I watch his videos at 1.75x normal speed if that tells you anything.
I find his "hokey, dopey" refressing. He talks about being on a lot of medication...mulitiple pills a day, so no doubt he has medical issues and to spread the positivity works on me. He doesnt claim to have reversed anything, just to changing his lifestyle, as you mentioned, to achieve better bloodwork and to taking a lot of medication to control symptoms. I watch a lot of the medical presentations too from various universities, but sometimes, I just want to listen to someone who actually has CKD and is dealing with it. What I noted about the medical presentations is that most of those talking heads are associated with drug companies in some way. They seem to have bought a lot of universities.
I have this drs book . It’s written in a way that lay people can understand . Very informative & written in comprehensive chapters.