What's my ACR if Albumin is 32 g/L and Creatinine is 596 umol/L?
ACR (Albumin Creatinine Ratio): What's my ACR... - Kidney Disease
ACR (Albumin Creatinine Ratio)
Here is al ink that explains the ACR test, from National Kidney Foundation. Hope this is a help. kidney.org/atoz/content/kno...
According to the National Kidney Foundation (kidney.org/kidneydisease/si... "ACR is calculated by dividing albumin concentration in milligrams by creatinine concentration in grams." Best wishes!
It’s possible to use ACR to estimate 24 hour protien loss in the urine. Has anyone in this thread used this method? I see there’s a few different ways to estimate the 24 hour loss as an alternative to a 24 hour collection which is also open to inaccuracies depending on the lab testing regime. I am just learning this stuff so it would be great to hear from anyone else that has used it
Just to add to this thread. I think you’ve listed serum (blood albumin levels) albumin above in your message. For the ACR check you should use the urine albumin and urine creatinine. Hope that makes sense I think its a calculation to check what’s leaving the body in your urine but hopefully someone else can back me up or correct me here