How to determine whether Diabetes 2 or high blood pressure caused chronic kidney disease
Diabetes or Blood pressure: How to determine... - Kidney Disease
Diabetes or Blood pressure

Like you this is something I've been thinking about lately. I've got high blood pressure which is being controlled and have been told I'm pre-diabetic. I have also developed kidney disease and due to pain in lower back and abdomen I am having a scan on Monday and crossing my fingers for the result. Hopefully there will be some replies to your question Tom.
I dont know if this helps but.... I suffer with a lung disease called bronchiectasis and have been nebulizing colomycin an antibiotic for a number of years. As I mentioned in my earlier post I also have high blood pressure and kidney disease. I had a ultra sound scan yesterday to try to find the cause of my lower back pain. A doctor at the hospital mentioned that long term use of antibiotics can cause kidney problems. This is the first time I heard of this but it makes me think its possibly the cause of my chronic kidney disease.
I have both T2D and HBP. When I received the diagnosis I had already collected hard copies of my previous labs and I brought them with to meet the nephrologist. I had also completed a long and detailed medical history. The discussion with the nephrologist, along with the history, meds and personal records I kept over the years, led him to believe the cause was diabetes. While my blood pressure was high and being controlled with medications he wanted to see some specific signs with my kidneys. He ordered an ultrasound. With that result, along with all of the other information he determined that I had diabetic kidney disease.
I believe only kidney biopsy can state this. But just if performed in the beginning of desease. After many years all the Doctors Ive speak with told me is quite impossible to determine. All the best
Sorry Tom I have just posted some information to you under my name... Road Runner44.