Does acid this figure in your/your docs CKD management?
Whilst rooting around on the National Kidney Foundation I searched against all the above terms and got "Your search did not produce any results, please try again"
Potential Renal Acid Load/ Dietary Acid Load / Net Endogenous Acid production. The nature of our diet determines acidity of our blood.
Lee Hull signposts the science indicating that an acidic diet is damaging to CKD burdened kidneys. And that to halt the march downwards, we need to switch to a more alkaline leaning diet. The aim being to be alkaline, not acidic.
Meat, eggs, dairy (surprise, surprise) is highly acidic (along with many non meat fruit and veg). It can very well be that one reason why the science points towards a very low (plant) protein diet + ketoacidanalogues as kidney-sustaining, derives from the fact that such a diet is low acid.
What do folk think of acidic as a factor to be managed?