Trouble cooking with CKD?
Hey there! My name is Anthony Valentine and I had my Kidney Transplant on January, 31st 2019. I am very blessed to have had my mother as my live donor, and we're both doing great with our recoveries.
I wanted to share my online community with fellow kidney patients, in hopes of helping with nutrition and eating healthy with CKD, pre and post transplant.
Eating doesn't have to be hard with CKD, and can be delicious! I hope to help others with nutrition and their CKD diets.
With a degree culinary arts & nutrition from the University of New Hampshire, my post transplant CDK diet has come a bit easier for me than it would for others.
Which is why I've created: ➡️
Cukebook is an online recipe/nutrition community for people who have autoimmune diseases.
Our FB Recipe Group: ➡️
I look forward to seeing everyone around! I wish everyone the best!
-Anthony Valentine