This is my first post on this forum. I'm going over other people's questions and answers. I don't have any pressing questions at the moment. I will say that my CKD is self diagnosed . My family dr. only told me I had kidney and liver issues. After googling the meaning of my blood tests I told my dr. that I had CKD stage 3. She seemed surprised. I'm getting a nephrologist asap. I'm often too tired to do anything more and my 40 hr/wk job. I argue with my family about my lethargy and lack of motivation for activity. I doubt I'm alone in this. Thank you for being here.
First post, new member CKD3, NAFLD,Asthma, ... - Kidney Disease
First post, new member CKD3, NAFLD,Asthma, HBP.

Hi and welcome to the community.Should you receive a diagnosis of CKD you'll have a lot of questions. When you do you can register for a virtual, free, 90-minute Kidney Smart class at Any other family member can sit in on it with you. You'll receive a lot of information and resources. In the meantime you can go to and view the learning modules and that will help you develop questions to ask your doctor(s).
When you meet with a nephrologist ask for a referral to meet with a Renal Dietitian and bring as many hard copies of your labs with you and together you and the RD can develop a kidney-friendly meal plan based on your preferences and needs.
Once you know where you stand, come back as often as you need for advice and support. I can pass along a lot of other ideas and suggestions to help you on your journey.
Best of luck.

Hi WescottjaMany people with CKD discover it the same way you did. Doctors are finally coming around to the fact that at stage 3, there is a lot that can be done to help slow the progression of CKD. Some people actually reverse it. See the nephrologist, see a dietician, and come back and ask us any questions you have. Anger is a natural response, but taking charge of the disease is the best thing you can do. We are here with you on this journey.
I had the same thing with my doctor. They didn't tell me I had ckd stage 3 - I read it on my patient record online. They now say it isn't serious and I just have to watch my BP doesn't go really high and to check it regularly. I am on Losartin not been referred to a nephrologist.
I've had the same experience. Found out i had CKD stage 3b from my labs and office visit report. I believe this has happened to many people on this forum. Not sure why primary doctors dont address this condition earlier so we can start trying to delay the progression. Im hoping you can now begin to do that. The best of luck and keep us posted.
It's good that you know now and not later. Finding the underlying cause of your kidney function is exceptionally important. Often, treatment for those conditions will also improve the outlook for your kidneys and may require diet tweaks as well. My husband also wasn't told the seriousness of his kidney disease until he reached stage four. Sadly, it seems pretty common for medical professionals to wait until the late stages before alerting their patients. It's great you intend to see a nephrologist for advice and direction.