Are all CKD patients considered immunocompromised?? How are you all feeling about the Covid vaccination?
immunocompromised: Are all CKD patients... - Kidney Disease

I will get the covid 19 vaccination when available. I am CKD level 3 and age 79.

Hi Jennfla,
Give your doctor a call and ask what your classification is regarding being immunocompromised as he/ she knows your medical history, what medications you are on as well as if you have taken any steroids, immunosuppresent drugs and what their recommendation is.
This was my route the last time I saw my nephrologist and will check in again when the vaccine is actually available to me.
Everyone is different so let them help.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
When the vaccine is offered, I will speak to my nephrologist and cardiologist, and based on their advice I'll make the decision. The efficacy of the vaccine itself and my willingness to take it is based on the best medical advice from Dr. Fauci, Dr. Redlener, and Dr. Hotez. If my doctors, who know me and my medical history concur, then I'll roll up my sleeve.

Im ready when its available and when my doctors agree that its a good fit for me.

Let me know what your doctor has to say. Here to support! 😊
I’m not taking vaccatation
If you're not on steroids, immunosuppressant drugs, or have low WBC counts, your immune system is probably fine, but I would absolutely run it by your nephrologist first. Having CKD significantly heightens your risk of suffering kidney failure if you come down with a serious case of Covid, so I'd rather risk the side effects of the vaccine than the risk of dialysis if I catch Covid. One thing's for sure....I won't be one of the first guinea pigs. I'll wait at least 5-6 months before getting the shot to see what the data is on folks with a history of CKD.
Well I can tell you I had Covid. I actually went to the hospital. I guess God was just watching out for me because it didn’t affect my CKD one bit. So I’m not sure about taking it. Will just have to weigh all the info.
God bless. It is no joke. Please take care of yourself. Most importantly, speak to your doctor and see what is said. ...then decide.
I am waiting for my turn in the hierarchy of priority, but yes with GFR of 22, I will go for the vaccine.

Immunocompromised usually refers those that take medications that suppress their immune system. All kidney transplant recipients take drugs that suppress their immune system to prevent a rejection episode. I know before my transplant I was started on cyclosporine, in the hopes that it would slow the progression of my disease and yes I am sure it suppressed my immune system some.If you are taking any meds that suppress your immune system then you too are immunocompromised. If it doubt, ask your nephrologist.
I am 21+ years post transplant and do plan to take the COVID vaccine when available with my nephrologist blessings.
I already know my answer to the vaccine is NO! It was developed too’s all too political...there is just t much BS. Surrounding it.
Dear Jennfla,
If you find my recent 'Post', regarding this very matter, I have already answered this, Very Important, question. I telephoned Addenbrookes Hospital, Cambridge, and spoke to, one of, Professor David Jane's Registrars. Apparently 'All the Immuno-Vascular Doctors/ Consultants, have had a Meeting- to discuss this very Matter'. YES We can have the Vaccine.
If you, or anyone else, wants to 'Check' this information, for yourselves, you can contact Addenbrookes on 01223-586613 and ask for Professor Andi's (Vascular) Department. It might be an Idea anyway, as Everyone IS 'Different'.
I hope that 'This' has Re-assured you Jen. Merry Christmas
I just saw my PCP last Wednesday. I talked with her about the vaccine. She contacted my Nephrologist to confer with him. Her nurse called me yesterday. In short, my Nephrologist recommends that I get the COVID vaccine. So, as others have said, I’ll get the vaccine as soon as it’s available to me.Jayhawker