Yesterday had a renal ultrasound done, within an hour the Dr was calling me to say he must see me right away and have labs done on Monday. He said that the radiologist is stating that one kidney has so much fluid backed up in it that it is critical to have it taken care of immediately. I don't understand what is going on and I'm scared.
A Backup of Fluid in Kidney: Yesterday had a... - Kidney Disease
A Backup of Fluid in Kidney

I know it's easier for me to say this than it will be for you to do it but, relax. Today is Saturday and Monday will be here soon.I can't make a diagnosis but when a kidney is backed up with fluid it might be Hydronephrosis. Again, I'm not making a diagnosis just guessing and I've included an article from the National Kidney Foundation that will explain it to you.
Read it and write down questions you have and when you see the doctor on Monday, ask your questions. It might be a good idea to take a family member or friend with you to take notes to help you deal with all of the incoming information.
I hope this helps, and please do your best to relax and stay calm. If it was something that was supercritical the doctor would have told you to go to the hospital. Obviously, they felt it was serious, but something that could wait until Monday.
Keep us posted.

TYSM Mr_Kidney! I wish I could bring someone with but with the COVID restrictions they won't. And I will update as soon as I get it. 😍
You can download an app for your phone that can record the conversation so you can play it back later for clarification. If you go this route, ask your physician for permission to record and explain the reasons for not being able to bring someone with you, and hopefully, it will be okay. I've done this numerous times, especially in the last eight months.

Know info like this can be nerve racking. I am a male and was informed by urologist, after an ultrasound, that I was having a back up into kidneys. I was given a medicine that helped the condition. It is important to be pro-active and have questions to ask. Mr K had a solution since no one can attend Doctors appointments with us now due to pandemic. Important to have the questions and write down answers and information if cannot record it. You have come to a good forum for support and sharing.

First, take a deep breath and don't let your thinking get out f control. I had a similar issue many years ago but mine presented with severe pain...agony really. Mine was caused by a large kidney stone stuck in the ureter - tube going from kidney to bladder. This also caused urine to back flow - reflux from bladder up to the kidney stone. I was also pregnant at the time so options were cautiously minimal at the time. If you're not having any real symptoms at the moment then continue on trusting your doctor. He seems to have your best interest in mind and managing well. Let us know what happens if you'd like. Blessings
I had severe hydronephrosis, due to large stones, blocking the ureter down to the bladder. Immediately I was given choices, to get it removed. or do nothing and see if it passed naturally. The urologist was amazed I felt no pain at all, and in my case, it had been apparently blocked for years (1-3), the hydronephrosis had damaged my kidney so badly that it was a "wait & see" game after the stones were removed to see how much function would return to that kidney afterward. EACH of us IS different and will have different labs, etc, AND different outcomes, AND reactions to different prescribed meds. You could heal up 100% after the cause of this hydro is removed/reversed,, maybe diuretics to help remove the extra fluid from your system after the reversal, but they have to discover WHY first, then take the approp[riate steps. I could have gone on for years if they hadn't discovered mine, not knowing......... just be glad they are on the right path and discovered it as soon as they did! I also lucked out, my urologist that was treating me, is ALSO the one who removed my stones, so I'm sure he got to see the condition of the kidney as well while he was in there! lol Also, kidney stones are made up of different stuff, if you have stones, have the dr. tell you what minerals they are made of, so you know what to avoid later to keep from getting more.