Just wanted to learn more about my kidney disease...tips for a diet and things .I am from Canada and would like to connect with others.
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Hi Nfld,
Welcome to our little group. We have lots to offer. Tell us a little about you and what stage you are. That way we can support you with information that is pertinent to your stage.
Hi and welcome to the community,
You might go to kidneyschool.org and watch the learning modules. Anything you don't understand would be a great place to start to ask questions. Some can be answered by the folks here, and a lot will be answered by a nephrologist. If you have one already, great, if not ask for a referral to see one. Once you have a nephrologist appointment, ask for another referral to a renal dietitian. In order to slow the progression of CKD, you'll need a kidney-friendly-meal plan. Also, ask your doctors to help you develop a suitable exercise regimen that you can implement to help you deal with it.
Diabetes and HBP are the two leading causes of CKD but not the only ones. Ask your nephrologist to do some diagnostic testing if needed to determine the cause of yours.
To get some idea about the meals for a successful meal plan you can go to davita.com and look at their recipes. None of those samples should be taken as is. After you meet with the RD you can make adjustments to those recipes to meet your specific needs. To prepare to meet with the RD, secure as many hard copies of your previous lab results. You and the RD will look them over and design what you need to minimize and by how much. You can go either vegan, vegetarian or with some amount of protein from poultry and fish.
Things to look for in your labs, but not limited to them, are potassium, phosphorus, protein, sodium, and calcium.
You can slow the progression as long as you are serious about the meal plan, exercise, and getting any underlying conditions under control, if possible.
As I said previously if you have any questions or just need to share, feel free to come back here any time.
Best of luck.
Mr K you covered it very well. It is important to be knowledgeable and proactive for CKD,

Don’t forget to check your Serum Albumen levels as well. They’re an excellent indicator of whole body health.

Thank you so much for the information. I have not had a Dr. for s number of months now. The one I had left for another place and gave up his clinic. With no replacement , I have been looking for another dr. ,not easy to do.
I am going to a clinic for people who have no dr. they are setting up some blood work, ultrasound, and an trying to get me in to see a kidney dr.
I was told a year or so ago that my kidney were going..but thats it. I do have two, right?

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Welcome! Could you be more specific about your situation and what you may already need to know or want to know?