Did you know you can eat a plant-based protein diet if you have chronic kidney disease (CKD)? A new study says it might even help your condition.
You can learn more here: kidney.org/newsletter/plant...
Did you know you can eat a plant-based protein diet if you have chronic kidney disease (CKD)? A new study says it might even help your condition.
You can learn more here: kidney.org/newsletter/plant...
Thanks for sharing this! My nephrologists nurse practitioner told me about the newer research on vegetarian diets for persons with CKD. She then encouraged me to shift my diet this past summer. I’ve made that shift. I’ve seen a modest improvement in my renal function since (I.e., from high stage V to low Stage IV). I’m pleased with this modest improvement and hope it will sustaine for a year or two—it would give me a few more years before dialysis...
But it’s really too early to know if my kidneys are going to essentially stabilize with low Stage IV functioning. Nevertheless, it is at least somewhat hopeful,
Hi Daniel,
One thing that is important to tell folks is that one diet does not fit all. For example, legumes, beans and nuts are not always good for people with CKD. They are high in potassium and phosphorous and many of us cannot have those. I always recommend seeing a renal dietician who can review your medical history and lab work before you jump on a specific diet.
But yes, more plant based foods are generally a good thing.
Hi Daniel, I have been 95% whole food plant-based for almost two months and feel great! I have IgA Nephritis with eGFR of 13.4%. My doctor who has been telling me that dialysis is in my future told me the other day that it looks like my kidneys are not failing after all. I highly recommend the Facebook group "Natural Kidney Journey" as well as the book, "Plant-Fed Kidneys" by Jennifer Moore. I have been loving my potassium-rich plants; my potassium has even gone down because our bodies process plant-based potassium different than animal-based :). Food is powerful!
I have CKD #3 since 2015. I was told my kidney function would improve after Parathyroid surgery, it did. However, I continued to eat lots of salt, meat and sweets. This past Oct I was told my kidneys had a slight decrease. That's when I started researching diets. I now follow Lee Hull's book for the plant based protein diet. I've lost 12 lbs, feel great, good enough to get back to walking my dog. My Nephrologist told me my kidney disease was from my diet and high blood pressure. He also said "My patients in Bangledash, India eat a plant based diet and have many more years of a good quality of life. (he now practiceses here in the US.)
My blood pressure dropped down to 122/72 yesterday Nov. 6 2019. I have been on this new lifetime change for almost 3 weeks.
Hi Daniel,
Great to meet you. I have been plant based with very minimal dairy since early 2017 and love it. My husband also eats what I serve and is happier with it.
I watch my labs carefully and review them with both my nephrologist and PCP during each appointment.
My nephrologist lets me know about any new plant based foods on the market which are low sodium and I, the same with him. He has even tried many.
There are so many healthy choices out there which can be adjusted in a restaurant setting. I order grilled asparagus with no salt as an appetizer to begin.
I do agree that specific cases require a more tapered diet; thus, the go to people should be nephrologists and renal dieticians who can guide patients to tasty and healthy foods which benefit their needs. Balance and moderation is also important.
Thanks so much for the article!
Hope to communicate with you again, soon!