Stage 4 CKD.
Is there anyone here from stage 4 able to go back to stage 3? And can anyone give me a list of the food that you take that gave good resukt for your creatinine and BUN. Thanks a lot.
Stage 4 CKD.
Is there anyone here from stage 4 able to go back to stage 3? And can anyone give me a list of the food that you take that gave good resukt for your creatinine and BUN. Thanks a lot.
Hi and welcome.
If you cut out red meat and processed foods you may be able to improve your GFR. There are many other things to do as well, such as checking your current medications and dosages for harmful effects on kidney disease, staying hydrated, exercising without overdoing it. Ask your nephrologist for a referral to a Renal Dietitian to meet with (bring your last years' worth of lab values) and design a kidney-friendly meal plan specifically for you. You'll probably need to be cutting down on calcium, protein, potassium, phosphorus, and especially sodium. The RD will give you more specific details once they have a chance to look over your labs. Best of luck.
Thank you so much mr kidney.
Look into Natural Kidney Journey. Their plan is rigorous but it seems to have helped many people.
But be forewarned that if you ask a question, you'll get banned from the group. ONLY lurk there. The moderators have some good information, but they're extremely cultish.
LOL! You guys are funny! I've found it extremely helpful and love the positive energy of the group. It's not for everyone though
Positive energy, yes, but extremely intolerant of those who ask questions or challenge their dogma. There are so many unknowns in CKD, as there are in most all other diseases, but these folks claim certainty in many many areas where no scientific consensus exists. The one area where I wholeheartedly agree with them is that there is a LOT that nephrologists don't know...especially as it pertains to diet and kidney disease. Unfortunately, most nephrologists will act like they DO know when they have no research to back it up.
So both parties have some of the same problems.