My egfr function has dropped from 18% to 13% on 3 days. I have been drinking as much water as I can and try to eat salt as Drs has advised my sodium is very low and suggest I'm not taking enough in. So anyway phoned kidney until the asked me to come in to take a look at me. Giving me some fluid. Saw a consultant this morning ( my usual one is on holiday) and he says I'm well enough so not worried, and this drop is a number, told me water is not helping as it dilutes sodium ( all previous Drs said drink lots of water and eat salty snacks). He said i need to go on dialysis, laughed when I said I had my transplant work up and that was it, he shrugged any questions I had off. He comes across very arrgant. Even if this is all true at least answer my questions and don't make me feel stupid. Thing is he's the only consultant on and no other around to talk to. I don't know when my Drs back off holiday. I currently feel so broken, I've been trying to stay positive and fight but I'm having one of those weekends where I feel so tired of fighting and staying strong. I've still got to the the finale okay from bham transplant surgeon and family still need testing (takes 6months) I just don't know if I can make it that long.
Egfr rapidy falling: My egfr function has... - Kidney Disease
Egfr rapidy falling

Is there an emergency room you can go to? My son recently had a near similar problem of low salt levels (118 and normal is around 134). He had also been drinking excess water and adds no salt to his diet. His doctor who was on vacation advised him to go to the ER. He stayed in the hospital for a day till they gradually normalized his sodium levels. He was advised to have a liter of water a day initially and to gradually increase it to one and half liter. Also on days he felt light and had low salt levels to add salt to water. Hope this helps. If your numbers like potassium, phosphorus are in order and you are being monitored then you can I think wait till your family is tested. Worrying will not help. Eat a kidney
friendly diet, walk and do light exercises as approved by your neph and address any issues that come up proactively and you will find your way forward. Prayers and best wishes.
And of course you may not need a trip to the ER if your doctor has already seen your numbers and has not advised it. Was just sharing my son’s experience and what he was asked to do.
I'm currently receiving fluid at the hospital now for my sodium but it's not seeming to increase. I'm on my 3rd bag. Both the lab and go advised it they rang me to tell me to go in. I was only in last week and my Dr said if it falls below 130 contact my Dr (but she's on holiday) .. just feeling stressed at it's my egfr that's dropped too . Thanks for your advice x
So glad it’s being attended to. I think they also slowly increase the sodium as any sudden increase may be harmful. Important thing is you are at the right place. The egfr is impacted with the electrolyte imbalance too. So wait for your numbers to stabilize and then in a week or two they may do your labs again. You will be better. Hang in there. Prayers.
Oh Mumf. That is a bummer. I was feeling quite lost and in despair when I found this blog. Checking in and hearing other stories helps. I find helpful tidbits everywhere. Don’t let it consume you. Try to remember what makes you smile...and get some.
One of the problems with recommendations for water intake is that everybody believes it to be beneficial to flood your kidneys with 3-4L of water a day when there's no supporting evidence of benefit and in fact it can be potentially harmful. It's good to drink a lot if you've had kidney stones, but more than 3L a day, assuming you're not at stage 4-5 should definitely be run by your doctor first. Most will tell you that 2L is fine and will turn up their eyebrows at more than 3. This may or may not have caused your salt problem. As for doctors being arrogant, oh what a shock.
I'm at stage 5 now egfr has suddenly dropped. They are pumping me with sodium chloride . I feel this is just a quick temporarily fix. No reason why it's dropped from 18 to 13 within 2 days when it was stable for a few months . Different Drs today so we will quiz .