Hi. I have been told i have renal cancer as they found 6 tumors on the left kidney the largest being two and a half inches. They removed cancer from my bladder lat year in Feb but been told i am far to ill to go through the 6 hr procedure to remove the kidney as i have lung and heart disease .So, here is the thing . Last month they found my GFR levels came down to 30 and yes that's very bad but in 2 weeks it has severely dropped down to 20 what does it all mean ,i don't seem to be getting any answers is this to do with the cancer or what. Please help me understand this disease . Tina. x
gfr: Hi. I have been told i have renal cancer... - Kidney Disease

Hello Blueangel,
I am so sorry you are facing such challenges. GFR is a number assigned to how well the kidneys are filtering. Lower number mean less function. I would not be able to tell you what is the cause, but your doctor can.
I am concerned that your doctors are not providing you with the answers you need. Remember, they work for you. It is your body and your life and you have the right to get your questions answered.
Keep in touch and let us know how you are doing. I truly wish you well.

Hi Tina,
I too am so sorry to hear that you are dealing with these health challenges. It is not easy and there in no one solution.
Cancer is not easy, but a good oncologist will take the time to explain your disease, treatment, side effects and goals to you in laymans terms. If a nephrologist is on your team, they should be consulting with your oncologist and work together.
I agree with Bassetmommer that your doctors work for you to provide the best possible care and comprensible answers.
If you feel that this service is not being provided to you and your doctors are not communicating with each other and working as a team, then perhaps you might consider a second opinion.
I would make a list of questions and bring them along with your lab results to your next appointment; jotting down answers and what was discussed that day.
Stay Strong and fight! We are all pulling for you. Please feel free to reach out to any of us at any time - we will always respond.
You certainly are facing many health challenges. I wish you the very best. I've read that there are clinical trials available for people with kidney cancer. But a frank/assertive conversation with your team or finding a new team is probably in order. Get an oncologist as advised by others. The struggles of chronic illness are real but you are not alone. You have to take charge and direct your team. Do some research, vent when you need too, use these forums for advice from others who are going through similar struggles and try to keep your faith, hope and a positive outlook. 🙏🙏🙏❤️

Its disappointing you're not given the information you need. I'd suggest making a list of questions and posing these to your healthcare team. A good start to understanding some of your kidney issues is kidneyschool.org and nkf.org I wish I had answers for you. I can only hope these suggestions will alleviate some of your concerns. Blessings
Hello to all im so sorry you are going through this my gfr level was 11 in jan went to see my doc may 2nd and now its 8 so im going to have the fitsula put in 2 weeks and a cather in my neck as well immediately hd after so i understand wat your going through your docs need to be straight with you but i will keep you in my prayers as well as all my followers even though im new to this peace and blessings to all of you