what are the symptoms and solutions for a baby of 1year and 10months.anyone here with an advice.
what is sepsis: what are the symptoms and... - Kidney Disease
what is sepsis

Sepsis is the bodies extreme response to an infection. It is a life-threatening medical emergency.
Sepsis happens when an infection you already have in your skin, lungs, urinary tract, or somewhere else triggers a chain reaction throughout your body.
Sepsis is as MICHIGANDAVID has said is where there could be a small infection that has taken hold on a much larger scale, which the body reacts to. This can start from a fever, right through to vomiting, loss of consciousness, all within 24 to 48 hours. It is a rapid onset. So the best course of action is to see your local A&E center. It is treatable if in early stages as the body still needs to fight off the infection. Usually it occurs after a primary infection.
For example a cut that doesn't heal can become infected, if this infection reaches the blood stream it can travel all over the body. The body then responds as if it's very ill and tries to fight it off. Other things can be chest infections, urinary infections, mouth ulcers, non healing nappy rash.
You should seek medical advice if you suspect it's sepsis.
Your child could be suffering from a range of illnesses other than this so it's best to get him / her to your doctor. It could be a cold, it could be a stomach upset but we cannot offer advice or diagnose the problem; you need a medical professional to do that. A cough and loss of appetite sounds (raised temperature makes them feel sick) much like a normal cold - but you see, we can't diagnose and we can't see the child.
Hope you find out what's wrong.
Sepsis is a bacterial infection that enters your bloodstream it is very dangerous and needs medical attention right away... I have a client that has been hospitalized due to sepsis and his organs were shutting down n he was very delusional.
How is your baby doing hopefully better
Baby is doing fine.But he feels week,started given him blood tonic.My wife forces him to eat,lol.
So happy to hear he's doing well my prayers are with ur lil one n ur family i know its super hard for us parents to see r babies not at their best hang in there...