After having a renal transplant 23 years ago my precious kidney has stopped working.
I now find my self back on dialysis. I thought medical science would have made progress in 23 years. It still breaks down to you and that ungodly machine. Don't get me wrong I am happy to have this lifesaving option. Have I not read articles about implantable mechanical kidneys? Science fiction maybe.
When I walked into my center that same old bleach smell returned and burned my nostrils. Most of the employees don't introduce themselves or offer any emotional support.
I have a permacath and a thigh graft that is "maturing". I am lonely, scared and overwhelmed. Between dialysis and doctors appointments I can't stop long enough to gather my thoughts.
I considered skipping the dialysis route and just receive palliative care. My parents are the best so they were a major factor in me dialyzing. I was also scared I might end up in hell.
I would like to know when do things get better? I find it hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel. My sense of humor is gone, I never smile anymore and I am mean to those people who love me the most. I no longer pray and would appreciate prayers from all of you that are so inclined.
Any comments, suggestions or funny stories would be appreciated. Thanks 🌻