Hi there, I hope you can help. I recently had a routine blood test which came back normal except for my thyroid. I have a family history of CKD. Would impaired kidney function show on a routine blood test?
Thank you
Hi there, I hope you can help. I recently had a routine blood test which came back normal except for my thyroid. I have a family history of CKD. Would impaired kidney function show on a routine blood test?
Thank you
Blood tests are a definite way for you to find that CKD is happening. GFR, blood creatinine, blood urea nitrogen (BUN), fasting blood glucose, parathyroid and a test for anemia. Don't ignore urine tests like a full Urinalysis, microalbumin, etc.
For more detailed information look at article, I posted below.
Tests to check kidney function
When kidney function is decreased, substances such as urea, creatinine, and certain electrolytes begin to build up in the blood. The following tests measure levels of these substances to show how well your kidneys are working.
A blood creatinine test helps to estimate the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) by measuring the level of creatinine in your blood. The doctor can use the GFR to regularly check how well the kidneys are working and to stage your kidney disease.
A blood urea nitrogen (BUN) test measures how much nitrogen from the waste product urea is in your blood. BUN level rises when the kidneys aren't working well enough to remove urea from the blood.
A fasting blood glucose test is done to measure your blood sugar. High blood sugar levels damage blood vessels in the kidneys.
Blood tests measure levels of waste products and electrolytes in your blood that should be removed by your kidneys.
A blood test for parathyroid hormone (PTH) checks the level of PTH, which helps control calcium and phosphorus levels.
Urinalysis (UA) and a urine test for microalbumin, or other urine tests, can measure protein in your urine. Normally there is little or no protein in the urine.
Tests for anemia
If the kidneys don't produce enough of the hormone erythropoietin needed to make red blood cells, anemia can develop. The following tests help monitor anemia:
A complete blood count (CBC) measures the hematocrit and the hemoglobin level.
A reticulocyte count shows how many red blood cells are being produced by the bone marrow.
Iron studies show your level of iron, which is needed for erythropoietin to work the way it should.
A serum ferritin test measures the protein that binds to iron in your body.
I hope this helps.
Great - thank you! Would these tests be done during a standard routine blood test?
Most would be but that depends on the thoroughness of your physician. Keep in mind that you can always ask your doctor about certain tests and your reasons for asking them to be done. You do have to put some trust in your doctor's explanation about the need for a particular test at that time but you can always research it with Lab Tests Online and learn why they are ordered and speak to your physician with some degree of knowledge in asking for a particular test to be done. Remember you know what your body is doing and what doesn't feel right. Tell your doctor and keep at it until the situation goes away or a test is done to confirm or rule it out.
Very helpful - thank you.