I just had a routine blood test. I won’t be able to see the doctor for answers until Friday and I’m worried and scared. My eGFR numbers dropped from 95 to 44 in one year. My Creatinine numbers are high and my cholesterol numbers also shot way up. I have no symptoms. Has anyone else had such a change in one year, from healthy kidneys to unhealthy?
sudden kidney issues: I just had a routine... - Kidney Disease
sudden kidney issues

My wife did, her egfr went from over 60 to 27 in a year and it was picked up on a routine physical. Her creatinine was also high. In her case, it ended up being the lithium she was taking that they just increased the dosage of a little over a year ago. She is getting off it now and we are hoping she regains a little function and doesn't get any worse.
We've been stressing over it pretty heavily and are trying our best to stay positive. We wish you the best and hopefully it's nothing too serious. Good luck! I'm sure you will be alright!
Do you workout a lot? Or did you before getting your blood taken? That can cause high creatinine which is how they work out the eGRF. You’ll need more testing including a urine test to see if you have any protein in your urine. Best not to stress until you get more results. It might not be as bad as you’re imagining
I do workout, CrossFit, three days a week which means weightlifting and cardio. I am 67 so not a body builder but just trying to stay fit. I’ll ask about a urine test. Thank you replying and I’m trying not to stress about this.
Next test - do no exercise the day before and make sure you are well hydrated. Do you take creatine powder? (if so, stop). As mentioned, the next test should also include a urine ACR test.
No creatine powder. I take whey protein.
yes mine dropped from 88 to 50 in a few months but that was now 13yrs ago and I’ve been stable at CKD 3 between 49 and 57 since then. Doctor did some tests at the time but no idea why it happened. Said it could be linked to blood pressure.
mine went from 75 to 45 in 6 months. It turned out to be lisinopril and the diuretic that caused it. Doctor discontinued them and replaced with metropolol. I am back to efgr of 68. I suspect the metropolol is keeping me from getting back to efgr of 75 because it lowers efgr too. Hoping your case is similar to mine.
Mine went from 99 to 72 within a few months. That is when I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism. My cholesterol numbers were very high as well due to the hypothyroidism.