hi everyone hopefully you're weekend is going good. I have been dealing with kidney disease for a year now. Number have been crazy just went into stage four. I see the kidney Dr every 6 weeks. I am tired all the time and have stabbing pain in the kidneys. Does other people have it too.
Stage 4: hi everyone hopefully you're weekend... - Kidney Disease
Stage 4

Iknow how you feel . have been stage 4 for years and am now stage 5 and have just had a fistula operation- not happy but must pray to God for continuing productive life.
Stage 4 here. I'm chronically tired, and do have left flank pain on occasion. I had to go part time at work due to the exhaustion.
I've had a colonoscopy, CT scan, and ultrasounds. No kidney stones or tumors, but severely atrophied kidneys.
I am stage 4, GFR 21 and have flank pain. CT and U/S show small scarred kidneys with stones in both sides. Told stones are not blocking anything so no worries. Meanwhile, the back/flank pain makes it hard to sleep but can only take Tylenol. So frustrated!!
I take Norco for pain .there are times I hurt really bad. How is everyone eating and sleeping
Opiod crisis in my state makes it next to impossible to get pain medication. I guess I could ask, then take them on occasion with Miralax so I don't get plugged. I had a kidney stone move back in 2007 and was given Percoset and they plugged my colon😎

I am stage 3b and my pain is more burning/consistent but I know mine is due to my kidneys being over 2 times their normal size and pushing on nerves and other organs. I'm sorry to hear the pain is so great and hope you can find relief!
Norco I had a hard time getting on Thursday,but I called the insurance because of the kidney disease she over rided it so I would have any more problems getting it. It helps I try not to take it but my left kidney and right gets hurting so I have to take it or deal with the pain
im glad im not the only one dealing with this pain but its horrible some days
Hi Maxwell. I'm just a few numbers away from where you are. I'm sorry to hear you have kidney pain. So far it seems my kidneys are the only things that don't hurt! Haha. I have too much energy at this point since my md's and I are reducing much of my meds in an attempt to arrest the progression of the disease. I am having more than the usual trouble sleeping. Hopefully I will calm down soon after I've been off the worst meds for awhile. Take care!
I am stage 5 with GFR 11. I have had some pain. Mostly when something pushes on me. I finally went for a massage today and feel much better. It had been over a year since I have had one. She works on my kidney areas. My kidneys are very large and filled with cysts. I am trying to eat better. I do good for a while, and then give in to pressure of those eating around me. I was able to raise it for a while, but it is down again so I need to eat better now for me.