Aside from the constant fatigue. The other symptom of this that has really bothered me is memory issues. I write for a living and have to use a lot of creativity, so, by Wed., my mind is completely worn out. At first I would forget names. Then I started to forget words. Then I would forget conversations and eventually I've even forgotten decisions I've made. My wife is really good at reminding me of things and my friends are patient with me when it takes me a few moments to remember a name or a word. However, other people usually come back with, "well I forget things too." But, it's very different. It's frustrating and scary at times. There have been at least two days in the past 12 months that I've actually been very confused. I bluffed my way through the day until I got home. I just can't think as fast as I used to. I can still do my job, but it takes me a lot more effort. And I have to use a lot of "break glass in case of emergency" phrases and themes when writing.
Memory...: Aside from the constant fatigue... - Kidney Disease
I am 76 years old and stage 3 CKD, with a little bit of memory problems with words, but thought just because getting older.. maybe not?
I am 51 years old and at late stage 4 and have the same problem. I now use an app to set reminders for me on my smart phone. I also write reports for a living and struggle with that now and find it difficult to edit other peoples work. I certainly get confused at times. Yesterday I got lost walking in London and despite having a map and a fairly simple route I got in a right old muddle. Not sure what we can do about it though.
Hello Dustypye! I also have memory problems and I'm only 20 years old (stage 4 CKD and getting ready for transplant/dialysis). It's been roughly three years for me with this problem. A lot of times while I'm talking to someone I lose my train of thought. I forget other things too like words, meeting times, etc. It's very frustrating for me and I recieve the whole "yeah I get it I do it too" as well. You're right it isn't the same and it can be scary at times as well. I'm at a point now where I rely heavily on my planner for everything and I don't trust my memory much anymore.
Being the fact that I'm in college, I've also found it harder to learn in class and I mix things up easily (I just did yesterday) and it's a wonder that I get anything done. I've also gotten lost on my way to classes and forgotten where things were.
My nephrologist told me that it was a symptom that can be managed through memory exercises. I personally like to play the game of memory for a few minutes with a deck of cards. Exercising also helps me focus and remember certain things at least for a little bit. I hope that this helps! You aren't alone and although it's a frustrating (and sometimes scary) thing, it can be managed with practice and patience with yourself
Have they tested fir anemia??? IF you are anemic, that will mess with your energy AND concentration.
Have they tested fir anemia??? IF you are anemic, that will mess with your energy AND concentration.
I am stage 3 and GFR at 37 to now 31. Been having memory problems for years. I can’t remember events or places I’ve been, etc. Don’t know if caused by stress, CKD, diagnosed chronic depression off and on. For 25 years, and meds. I think it is all the above. So for me. I rely on my faith and laugh it off on the outside but am concerned as I know u all r. We do the best we can don’t we? If that is all I have to worry about I’ll keep a ledger ha! Praying for u all. God will help us. He hasn’t let me down yet with life’s important things... being there for others, glorifying God as best I can, and taking care of my and family health as much as I can. Happy Mother’s Day to u all. May today hold memories of beautiful memories and the abiIily to make a few more😀