I had this class scheduled about 6 weeks and promptly forgot about it until an e-mail reminder a day in advance was sent, along with another the day of.
I did a lot of research on CKD prior to the class because I don't have the patience to wait. (Thank goodness for the internet. [Of course the internet can also be a dangerous weapon in the hands of the scared, anxious and... well you know what I mean.])
If you haven't gone to one of these find one in your area. There was not a lot of new information for me on the basics but it did provide me with some clarification on a few issues and more importantly, I was able to ask smarter questions since I came in with some prior knowledge. Topics discussed were CKD causes, Treatment Modalities, Insurance, Working, Care Givers, and Diet. After it was over I found that the RN who conducted the class knew someone who could speed up the process of getting an appointment with the new nephrologist I'm wanting to see. Anyway, even though we were given a Satisfaction Survery to complete I was still sent an e-mail last night asking for additional information on the class. It connected me with another website that focuses on their program: Take Control, Make a Plan and Stay the Course.
We were also provided with information on other resources available for those in need of help with insurance, work and other critical issues.
If you haven't done this yet, give it a shot. The class lasted about 2 hours and it was a fast class. Not boring at all, regardless of your prior knowledge.
Hope this helps.l