Happiness Celebration Day 938, Monday ... - Weight Loss Support

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Happiness Celebration Day 938, Monday 29/07/19: A Positive Mindset To Help With Weightloss - Join us!

HealthyTanja profile image
22 Replies

*** All welcome!***

Welcome Everyone!

****Let's reach our weight loss goals in 2019. How? Happiness!****

Visit the original post for how and why: healthunlocked.com/nhsweigh...

Every day I will open a new thread to which you can respond. Writing positive replies, reading others' comments and responding to each other will increase the effects of this challenge many times over.

>>>>>>>>>>>> Here are your exercises: <<<<<<<<<<<<

*Day 1 only) Listen to this TED talk:


*Day 1 only) Take the happiness score test:

theguardian.com/lifeandstyl... (Be as honest as possible!)

>>>>>>>>>>>> Everyday: <<<<<<<<<<<<

1) Develop a gratitude practice:


List three things from the past 24 hours that you are grateful for. (This can be anything as long as you're truly thankful for it. Please start each sentence with “ Thank you for” “I am grateful for” “I am thankful for” etc to reinforce the sentiment of this exercise.)

2) Focus on the good:


Explain in some detail a positive experience from the past 24 hours.

3) Pay it forward:


Be proud of the good you do! Tell us three kind things you have done in the past 24 hours.

4) Remember the good:


Tell us in some detail a happy memory from anytime in your life. (This can be anything!)

5) Get your blood pumping:


20 minutes of exercise a day (this can include anything, housework, walking, cycling swimming, dancing etc)

6) Calm the mind:


5 minutes of meditation a day (focus on the present)

7) Hygge:


Let's do self care. What do you do for you? (Hygge is all about comfort and being kind to yourself. Self care also includes taking care of things that weigh on your mind, such as taxes or making a difficult phone call.)

Any questions, please post below.

Ready to get started? Please post below :)

Looking forward to being happy and positive with you!


P.S. For extra motivation, here are your stats:

HealthyTanja | days posted: 918| longest streak: 7

Cat33 | days posted: 612| longest streak: 41

Salcheq | days posted: 357| longest streak: 324

rutheliza | days posted: 52| longest streak: 52

Hidden | days posted: 413| longest streak: 5

AtalantaX | days posted: 194| longest streak: 194

smallday | days posted: 7| longest streak: 7

RedUnicorn | days posted: 3| longest streak: 3

forwardeffect | days posted:1| longest streak: 1 Welcome!

Equi-geek | days posted: 35| longest streak: 1

Rhosyn2 | days posted: 61| longest streak:

Flaraflarkin | days posted: 259| longest streak: 1

Missclc | days posted: 51| longest streak

Persephone33 | days posted: 27| longest streak:

lucigret | days posted: 207| longest streak:

Happy going everyone :)

Written by
HealthyTanja profile image
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22 Replies
Portlandprincess profile image

Day 2 for me Tanya. What an inspiration you are! You’ve got me back on track to being positive after being in a very dark place.

HealthyTanja profile image
HealthyTanja in reply to Portlandprincess

That is wonderful! I'm glad to hear this celebration is helping you. I myself had strayed from my happiness practice recently and went to a darker place for it. It feels good to be back, focusing on the positive and gratitude every single day!

Portlandprincess profile image
Portlandprincess in reply to HealthyTanja

I love what you’re doing here Tanya. You’re a very giving person. See you tomorrow.

Salcheq profile image
SalcheqChallenge Host1kg in reply to Portlandprincess

I have stayed with this celebration for nearly a year now, it has helped me through some dark times, not cured them, but kept me thinking about good things even in those times. And really helped me recognise that those days were not about my whole life.

Portlandprincess profile image
Portlandprincess in reply to Salcheq

I’m already seeing changes in my diary. It feels good on this forum. Full of positive thoughts. Love it.

HealthyTanja profile image

Day 919 (8) | Monday (Sunday) | 29.07.19 | Week 132 (142)

1) Develop a gratitude practice:


• I am grateful for my first 7 day streak back on this celebration. It feels wonderful to be actively practicing happiness again.


• I am grateful for a lovely dry day yesterday with some sunshine.


• I am grateful for a booking with one of my favourite portrait sessions yesterday. I am moving away from modelling but I think this job I will continue doing if it is being offered to me.


• I am grateful for meeting up in person with another member from my online money mindset course.


• I am grateful for my meal plan!


• I am grateful for speaking to my mum on the phone and finding out that she has nothing else planned for her birthday weekend other than her actual birthday party. I'm grateful for that because it means that when I surprise her on the Friday, she will actually be there and my visit is not interfering with her plans 😊❤


• I am grateful for my sister's holiday getting off to a great start with a smooth drive there and the house being really nice. I am happy for her!

2) Focus on the good:


• Meeting K from my money mindset course was such a treat! She is an illustrator from Scottland and so far we have only connected online. It was so nice to meet someone in person who shares the outlook on things that is attached to the course, a positive one where money is a friend that can be talked about openly. Being able to use all the terms from the course in a conversation was really refreshing und fun!

3) Pay it forward:


• I put in a lot of time and effort working on my mother's birthday present.

• I messaged my sister to ask about her first day on holiday.

• I called my mum to ask about her weekend and her time with my younger nephew whom she had for a sleepover on Friday night.

4) Remember the good:


• When I first joined the money mindset course last year huge shifts started taking place in my attitude towards money and the way I behaved around it. It was so nice to break out of old habits and form new ones!

5) Get your blood pumping:


• cycling

6) Calm the mind:


• Put on Louise Hay power thoughts at bedtime.

7) Hygge:


• Went to bed super early and had a good long sleep.

Happy Monday!

forwardeffect profile image
forwardeffect in reply to HealthyTanja

Hey are you supposed to do it for the day before?

Salcheq profile image
SalcheqChallenge Host1kg in reply to forwardeffect

I think we all do it differently, some of us like me do it for previous day, some do it at the end of the current day. I'm sure Tanja doesn't mind too much!

Portlandprincess profile image
Portlandprincess in reply to forwardeffect

Sometimes I plan forward or take ideas from other posts now....

forwardeffect profile image

Day 2

1) Develop a gratitude practice:


I am grateful to be in Malta right now with my family, I am grateful that my mum randomly found a book someone left somewhere called 'more than this' (it's very good and challenging), maybe it was meant to be you know 😊. I'm also grateful for this happiness thread too!

2) Focus on the good:


I have been enjoying my time with the family, I really enjoy spending time with them and making new memories. I also bought a digital camera as well to capture these moments.

3) Pay it forward:


I told my granny she should be taking her medication sooner cause I'm on the same one. I have been considerate to others and I have been respectful to others too, maybe could improve on that actually.

4) Remember the good:


I really enjoyed going to the sea in Malta with my brother, it was amazing!

5) Get your blood pumping:



6) Calm the mind:


I'm playing the 'acoustic covers' playlist on Spotify right now, very relaxing.

7) Hygge:


I make sure that I'm active on this forum at least once a day to keep me going, it has been helpful but it will be even better when I get back home. I really like swimming so I will keep doing that around 3 to 5 times a week. I got pretty bored of the gym and it's been a while so I'll try to go at least once a week to keep it up.

AtalantaX profile image
AtalantaX in reply to forwardeffect

Just checked out that Spotify playlist 👍😌

forwardeffect profile image
forwardeffect in reply to AtalantaX

Nice, I really like it! :)

Portlandprincess profile image
Portlandprincess in reply to forwardeffect

Planning forward...I’ve not thought about swimming for ages...it’s now on my to do list. Thank you for this.

AtalantaX profile image

After a fab day yesterday, I have been in an inexplicably grumpy and low mood today at work. Will get out of it soon enough: my son arrives home within the next hour from his month away, I’m listening to the Acoustic Covers Spotify playlist as just recommended by @forwardeffect ☺️ (I love recommendations) and I took the long walk from the station to boost my mood.

So back to basics gratitudes tonight - that I’m healthy, financially secure, the children are healthy and happy, my sisters and I have a close relationship, I have a car, a job, a bike, a house. A weekend away with my girlfriends to look forward to in September, tickets for The Ashes 🏏 . This forum also boosts my mood.

Day off tomorrow to spend with S 😌

Salcheq profile image
SalcheqChallenge Host1kg in reply to AtalantaX

Love that playlist! One of my favourites.

Portlandprincess profile image
Portlandprincess in reply to AtalantaX

There are so many things to be grateful for. I love reading posts as they remind me of all the good in our lives. I’ve just done 1000 miles on my electric bike.

Salcheq profile image
SalcheqChallenge Host1kg

1) Develop a gratitude practice:

I am thankful for a lovely long day, full of good things.

I am grateful for my strong beautiful body.

I am thankful to my daughter for helping me sort out the bottom of my wardrobe, it was a very overdue job.

2) Focus on the good:

A moment in the middle of the afternoon where I realised that I was just so content, nothing specific, just a wonderful feeling of happiness crept over me. I felt like I had everything in the world.

3) Pay it forward:

I got daughter some flip flops and shorts for holidays.

I treated both children to breakfast out, it was great fun.

I made sure we were quiet so husband could have a really long lie in.

4) Remember the good:

I remember Sunday mornings before children, we would have a paper from Saturday and a cup of tea in bed and just relax, it was our real day off each week, then maybe potter in the garden.

5) Get your blood pumping:

A morning run, should have gone earlier though as it was bit hot! Then a lot of walking. 25k steps.

6) Calm the mind:

Night time meditation.

7) Hygge:

A lovely lie in. First in ages.

AtalantaX profile image
AtalantaX in reply to Salcheq

Sounds like a lovely day. Loads of steps too 😮 🥇

Portlandprincess profile image
Portlandprincess in reply to Salcheq

I love your kind language about your body. One of the things I’m noticing is that my language in my head is kinder to myself.

Portlandprincess profile image
Portlandprincess in reply to Portlandprincess

As you like Spotify, have a listen to Tim Minchen perfect. You might like it.

Here goes...

1.a) I am grateful that I got to spend time outdoors in the fresh air today

b) I am thankful for my best friend (she’s wonderful

C(I am grateful for the help in packing away all the Christmas decorations

I’ve watched the video - I disturbed ... very funny.

Time to sleep now - big day tomorrow tackling the doctors as I should’ve had any trrarmrntsnr

2.I have decided to set up my wii-fit again and was thrilled to find all the discs and will be kind setting them up tomorrow.

3a.I made breakfast in bed for my chap

3b. I helped a stranger at the craft shop whilst she was indecisive about her purchases - saved her some money!

3c. .... helped pass the Christmas tree & Decorations boxes up into loft

4. Looking out of the kitchen window I was taken back to 2 summers go. When the garden was full of birds and sunshine.

5. I spent a huge amount of time today sorting out paperwork and going through our moving boxes from last year. I also went shopping and did more walking than usual. I have severe mobility issues which make standing around longer than 5 mins & so, it’s a big deal today,foot most of zzz

6. Will be meditating before sleeping

7. I rang my best friend & cried to her, she & I go back to when we were 16yrs old. I also sorted out some receipts & paid bills .

Night night all 🙏🏻

HealthyTanja profile image
HealthyTanja in reply to FatFairNFifty-ish

Aha, found your original post. Glad you found the current thread this morning 😊

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