One of those days.....: I finished work... - Weight Loss Support

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One of those days.....

β€’25 Replies

I finished work at midday today, it should have been 10am but I spent 2 hours fighting a seemingly losing battle with the clinical team. I got soaked to the skin heading to my car, then the electric gates decided they didn't want me to start my weeks leave and refused to open. Reaching home at 1.30pm I find the dog has managed to shut himself in the dining room and took all the paint of the lower part of the door off in a vain bid for freedom ( teenager still in bed oblivious to it all ). There is a pile of washing that looks like I have decided to open a chinese laundry ( daughter decided to gut her bedroom, dressing room and ensuite - apparently unaware of the concept of rehanging clothes, much easier to toss them all in the laundry in a heap). The cat left a gift on the doormat - I won't go in to detail. And the list goes on........

Taking a deep breath and trying to ignore the growling in my stomach that was telling me I hadn't eaten for 18 hours, I put the kettle on. Guess what? The darned thing sparked and died, the fusebox objected and I had to go back out into the rain to fetch the ladders from the garage to climb up and switch the electrics back on.

I'm sorry to say folks, at this point I caved. I put the hob kettle on the gas to make myself a cup of tea and made 4 thick rounds of toast with Butter on it. And the day just got worse and worse. I have eaten a lump of cheese and I don't know how many rye crackers and drunk most of a bottle of chablis. The day has been a total write-off. I feel miserable and mad as hell with myself.

I haven't weighed myself because I don't think I could handle it today if the display flashed the wrong way.

Poop, poop, poop. πŸ˜•πŸ˜«πŸ‘Ž

25 Replies

hi their its sounds though you have had a nightmare to start with and it may seam that it won't end, i done know how you are feeling right now but may i say that you need some major support friend friend far a cross our county may i say i'm thinking of you at this terrible moment and just to say as a friend i'm sending you a big hug from me to you to help if possible to easy the end of your day it might work hope so if not the thought was with you hope the rest of this week is better take care your new friend bigalan

in reply to

Thankyou Alan, your post is much appreciated. I has a good nights sleep and feel more myself today. 😊

in reply to

hi their ShellieL your most welcome anytime i may be able to help you know were i am. glad you have a good night sleep and a good day hope it keeps on going take care kindest regards Alan xx

You'll feel better tomorrow morning, what a day, few people would have lasted as long as you, at least be assured of that. You're only human! To start with not being able to even leave work on time, most of us would have snapped then! It is just one day out of many many good days, and it's not so bad, the cheese, wine, etc, you'll be surprised if you do decide to add it all up. But don't weigh yourself and feel down about it, leave it a few days or til next Mon. Fix the causes instead, perhaps a tactful word with your kids, some sleep, and a return to a normal routine will make everything feel more under control again. Sending good vibes xx

in reply to

Thanks Ruth, yesterday certainly was a pain and I didn't handle it too well food ways. Today I am back in control, I even weighed myself - 1lb lost, so relieved that the blip didn't do too much damage. I have been non stop today too, decided to 'bottom' my sons bedroom and wetroom whilst he is in Manchester. I started at 8am and by 2pm was wishing I hadn't bothered, not least because I have managed to break one of my toes!!! Bit of advice, don't move a whole room of furniture on your own, it hurts when you drop a very heavy weight on your foot!! Hey ho, life is certainly contrary sometimes. Have a good week hun. 😳😊

MrsBooboo profile image

You made me smile, thank you.

in reply to MrsBooboo

Well at least somebody has smiled today, that's a positive lol. 😊

Gonti profile image
Gonti10 kg

Honestly I would have opened the bottle for you! I hope it was good wine and great cheese and that you were able to sleep it off. Enjoy your weeks leave! 🌼

in reply to Gonti

The wine was excellent, the cheese not so bad. The sleep was shorter than I would have liked but good. Cheers hun. 😊

Jo4950 profile image

I say is that all you managed to eat bless you, I think I would have done much more in the circumstances.

I would like to say that teenagers get better but they seem oblivious to the rest of the world and live in a bubble all of their very own, bless them. I had 4 roaming around the house at one point, my house is soooo ......much cleaner and tidier since they grew up and moved out ( doesn't mean I don't miss them a little bit)

Hope you have a good rest and start your annual leave feeling a bit rested.

4 rounds of buttered toast hey, I can only dream, one of my personal weaknesses bread so I am enjoying the thought of it for you.

Hope the rest of your week gets better and you enjoy your time off.

in reply to Jo4950

T O A S T . . .

in reply to

It was bittersweet............

in reply to Jo4950

Thankyou Jo, I will admit the toast tasted wonderful at the time of eating, but with everything else I had the guilt soon kicked in. I've made up for it today food and exercise ( gutted 24 year old sons bedroom and wetroom - managed to break a toe in the process, eek). I weighed this morning too and have managed to lose 1lb in spite of yesterdays mess up. 😊

Jo4950 profile image
Jo4950 in reply to

That's fantastic and terrible all at the same time bless you.

I don't know what it is about toast but that and bacon sandwiches are the things that could possibly break me in times of angst !!!!!!!

Well done for the weight lose that's brilliant start to your time off.

Hope you are resting that toe now, what on earth did you break it on!!!!!!, in my house it would have been some sort of computer thing lying on floor when my son was home.

Hope the rest of your week is calm and people waiting on you not the other way round.

I'm off to the beach this morning to have a walk with oldest daughter, apparently she is off work this week and bored and is thinking of my health!!!! Bit of a drive but always fab.

Norfolk here I come!!!!!!!

in reply to Jo4950

Hi Jo, I moved all the furniture in sons room on my own, not a good idea!! I dropped the corner of a cabinet on my bare foot ( bare feet also not one of my finest ideas). Actually a broken toe was pretty good all things considered, lol, I tripped over the dog a couple of times and the cat once ( the cat unlike the dog and myself obviously had a few brain cells and disappeared under the bed out of the way).

Have a fab day at the beach, I hope the sun shines for you. I'm sure you will have a lovely day whatever the weather though, the company is the main thing. 😎

Jo4950 profile image
Jo4950 in reply to

Hi Shellie,

You're poor toe. Bare feet never a good thing. Moving big cupboards not a good thing either. But hey when it's got to be done. They say the going get's tough, the tough get's going, oh no I'm turning into an 80's sound track lol

Not a lot of sun but hey this is England, I don't expect it lol.

Fab day lots of chat, loads of walking. When she is on a mission (me) she is like a Boot camp Sergeant ( really bossy)

Had a lovely time though and at least when the heaven's opened she let us go for lunch. Had some lovely soup, she is like my own personal dietician, bless her.

Got back and having a nice rest as shattered, but, good shattered.

Hope you are having a good day.

Hi Shellie,

Sounds like pig of a day,it's done so put it behind you.Hope you are feeling better todayπŸ’ Do something nice for yourselfπŸ’‹

Hope you manage to get on the scales and whatever the number remember that is all it is, it will not undo all you have achieved.

Enjoy your weeks leave and hope the sun shines for you


in reply to

Thanks Flossie, I have weighed myself this morning - decided to pull myself together - I have lost 1lb, so not too much damage. 😊

One of those days. Trick is, is to chow-down, have what you want and thoroughly enjoy it; just don't let it be the start of a Big Slide. Golly, it was even a modest over-consumption (in my book!). Onwards and downwards, ShellieL - we know you can do it. Oh, and I'm off this week, too, so here's to both of us having a jolly good break :D

p-pnallen profile image

Don't worry today is just one day of the rest of your life. In a few days you will be laughing about it. Especially if you can restart tomorrow. Remember it has taken more than one day to put all the weight on so heck what's one day. Just give the dog a cuddle say something nice to your children and start a new day.

in reply to p-pnallen

Thankyou hun. Sometimes life is a trial, yesterday I gave in - today I haven't.

p-pnallen profile image
p-pnallen in reply to

That's great! My old school motto was By Effort Achieve. It is so true. And you will get there in the end.

sandylaner1 profile image

Four rounds of toast AND butter? that's hedonistic to say the least, though that's the least of my concerns over your temporary setback.

my real worry is WHAT kind of cheese you had with the Chablis?!*?*^*

Portlandprincess profile image

Hi Shellie, poor you , awful day, but good on you too! Down a pound! Your a wonderful guiding star to so many of us here on the forum. Sending you big hugs and lots of luck for next weighin...

in reply to Portlandprincess

Aaww bless you hun, you have just made my day. 😊

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