i have had sensory neyropathy for 2 years now and its hard i cant feel any thing my hands are numb every day it a chalenge i have to use a food procesor to cut veg as i have cut myself and cant feel the cut beeen baned from using the oven got burnt having a bath i cant feel the heat of the water trying to pick up a pen i hasve to roll it dificult to write or type or do most things using a mobile phone i cant feel if i have touched the keys has anyone else got this please any advice ,.
sensory neuropathy : i have had sensory... - Neuropathy Support
sensory neuropathy

I understand what you are going through and feel for you. I, too, am in a similar situation, I love blogging, but I may have to give it up if things don't improve. It takes too long with the ever correcting of what I thought I'd typed. Hitting or not knowing I've hit various combinations have often filled the screen warning messages that I do not understand. Burnt fingers are a part of life now. I'm so sorry I can't help you with any helpful advice. I am awaiting an appointment with a neurologist, and if I can get any advice that works, I will pass it on to you. Best of luck!
hello thank you for replying this takes time typing as i have to look at the keyboard while i am trying to typeyou have to depend on other people to help you like this morning i put my blouse on but could not feel the buttons i just burst into tears i have always been independant but i feel like a child now my family are understanding i cant even do my bra up bless your heart every day is a massive chalange what can i do or not do i hope you get your apointment soon when were you diagnosed take care my new friend hope to speak soon x
Hi, there, first and foremost, all the best of luck, and I pray you can get some relief and soon.It's not easy, is it?
I got on Grammarly Grammar checker, and it helps a little with the typing.
I was diagnosed about three years ago. Then having a stroke seemed to make things get worse quicker. Now diabetes and saccades, and having a test for vascular dementia as soon as I can fill in the ten paged - double-sided questionnaire - with the help of the Warden, when she gets back to work.
Someone mentioned Magnesium to help perhaps. I tried it, it did no good, but the side effect was my night cramps have lessened.
Take as much care as you can, bless.
I can fully understand your situation. I have RD as well but the Neuopathy came in nearly five years ago. I hope you have some answers.I too have shed many a tear at my condition as it’s so frustrating I wish you well and wish I could offer advice
hello nice to meet you what is RD is that to do with respotary and yes it is hell xx
Hello RA or RD refers to Rheumatoid Arthritis which I have had for many years. This crazy PN condition popped its ugly self 5ys ago. I have seen a neurologist for this.There seem to be many versions of this condition.
hello orange 33 is that very painfull i have osteo arthritus and osteo phorisis and many more conditions do you have fibromyalgia xx
Hello I don’t have fribromyalgia (not sure I’ve spelt it correctly). Borderline osteoporosis though. My R.A. was well under control then this awful condition kicked in.My age is against me now but if someone guite young has this PN then they have my utmost sympathy. I really hope that there is some relief or help for you.
hello orange 33 ime so sorry for the conditions you have to endure its so debilatating and there are days when i have so much pain i cant get out of bed i am 52 but i always think there are others who are worse of then me please take care and if you want to chat i am here take care my new friend xx
Visited the loo, deep red blood in my urine passed. They put in a catheter, which has been in for over a year now, orange. With the PN and difficulties walking, getting trousers and PPs on, and the catheter filling inconsistently, I've had many embarrassments getting the trews down, resulting in leaks by catching the valve. I only wear a dressing gown when in the flat. They did mention the possibility of the permanent catheter being fitted, but at 78 they thought the risk too high for the operation. We can't win, can we? Hahaha!