I put a new label on MS and life....resently taking online classes thru an app on multi subjects. Boundries accross the board, self care(and not feeling guilty about that)..its about time after New Years resolutions that suprise when i wasnt trying. You ALL give offer courage(and so much more) that again i say..Thank You for being a part of my process...Honest souls you are. In every health place i belong...i feel that...i belong.You are some of the best Peeps I have and appreciate the tact.Appreciate your time also. HealthUnlocked is a platform for us to help the journey..it is HOPE. Thank you.
MS..means multi symptoms...: I put a new... - My MSAA Community
MS..means multi symptoms...

You do the same for us, and I share your feelings about this forum! I'm glad we're all here! ❤️
it IS hope an you do belong! ❤️
This group is my sanity.
I feel the same way jackiesj !
Congratulations! I’m very excited for you and this new journey you are on.. 🥳🥳
Yes, this forum brings Hope and Love.🌹🩷

Harbor Only Positive Energy, or HOPE, jackiesj 🤗
We are all on this M.S. journey together, sharing the good and the bad together. Hugs to you 🤗🤗🤗
I was still working four years after my diagnosis and many years after my MS symptoms started. I was doing okay at work but at home I was worthless. My husband said that MS stood for MOSTLY SLEEPING!
Hi Jackie’s, where do you take classes. I love learning but feel trapped and nowhere to use it productively. I could use anything about neurogenic bladder! No fun but necessary. Take care😍