G'day my RRms(Relapsing Remitting ms (RRms) Sisters and Brothers, I hope YOU are all as well as can be expected and had a good night. Mine was good onlygot up once for the bladder and sid not fall over in the gym. Did I say my coffee is tasty I think so it is a very good day so far. Most important the sun is shining and I am not to cold.
Neither YOU or I can cure our illness nut we all can find the happiness in our lives. It is supposed to rain in the next week, so it will be nice for the streets to get washed down a little. That willl be nice.
Have YOU come to terms with you RRms? Are YOU coping with the change it brings about, change in everything. Make your life easier by coming to terms with and anticipating this change. YOU have RRms now, your life is and will be full of change. At least initially, until You manage to redesign your life and habits. Remember your attitude, "this is NOT all bad" just very very different and unexpected, Change what YOU can and expect that as time goes by it will change. Do NOT fight it for YOU will lose. Expect it and adapt, adapt adapt to it.
You CAN have a great life or a miserable life, the choice is yours.
life is good, I am content and YOU want to be aS WELL