It was 8:30 Tuesday night. I had just crawled into bed and gotten comfortable when the phone rang. It was my surgeon himself, telling me to go to the ER immediately. He'd just seen my test results and was going to have me admitted and run a CT scan that night.
Apparently I'm one of the oddballs who has a wayward gallstone that escapes before or during surgery, goes where it doesn't belong, and wreaks havoc along the way. Yesterday at noon, they put me back on a ventilator so they could stick cameras and little grabby things down my throat to find that problem gallstone, then they installed a temporary stent to patch a leak it had caused.
I have to go back in 4-6 weeks to have the stent removed, but everything is looking good now. I was released from the hospital just before lunchtime today after they determined that my liver is back to functioning the way it should. I'm tired, and my dog is attached to me like velcro, but hopefully it'll really be smooth sailing from here on out. I'm just kicking myself now that I didn't go to the ER on Saturday when I first began having trouble. 🙄
Thank you all for the prayers and good thoughts!