Okay so I just kind of laid all this down on a thread of mine to Fancy...... but then I got to thinking why not share with everybody LOL
The newest news in my book of life is as follows
1. Return back to work in May I was super super excited I believe I told people about it on here and then the tables turned
2. Notified my district manager that I may be using a walker sometimes when I'm at work because it is safer. That is why I was out on LOA was because I fell and hurt my rotator cuff. He was not very amused with that.
3. I get sent out on special assignment which I was perfectly okay with because I know what I'm doing no if ands or buts about it but that was not done as quickly as he would have preferred. He actually told me to hit the floor running. Now I do use a cane so that made me just wonder are you trying to joke with me or what's going on
4. I am more or less belittled doing standards walks while we are updating things inside of the company that I work for and it was noted that all the groups had to hold on and wait for Shannon or think we're going to be able to make sure I got everything that I needed. So that was brought up to me. Okay fine then I'm going to bring my Walker.
5. Right up to me that there's no possible way that I can take a walker upstairs so I say I know this I've done this before I'm a pro at it. That's why I have a cane when I need to go upstairs. I guess they knew that I was being a smart alec about it but oh well.
6. It is brought to my attention that I need to be more aware of my surroundings because using a walker in a small establishment that I worked in could potentially end up hurting a customer or a child could see it sitting and play on it. So I decide to go back to my cane all the time no big deal
7. So last week I had finally had enough I am done with being picked on! I am done being put on special assignments that all of a sudden you think I can't do. I cannot stand the retaliation that comes with my company. And I just threw my hands up in the air and said I'm done I resign take my keys and take my job. Good luck finding another assistant manager to work in this store with this lazy store manager that you guys seem to favor.
And that was the end of that career. Oh well I'm doing fan-freaking-tastic now π€©πππ§ββοΈπ§ββοΈπ§ββοΈπ§ββοΈ
that is the smart alec picture I took as I walked away from the job. I feel so much better. I even went and got my hair dyed really stink and red because I can