Hello all! Since I really looked forward to seeing Rosy (a dog for those who don’t know) I thought you’d all like to see Bob (my cat). Now that the days of summer are ending and it’s getting cooler out he snuggles up with me again! Yay! It truly makes my life, as I love animals and they are my “happy place”, I hope he can make your day too ❤️. I hope you all have a wonderful day and a great weekend!
hi everyone!: Hello all! Since I really... - My MSAA Community
hi everyone!

Yay! I love a good kitty picture, and Bob is gorgeous. ❤️ I, too. have noticed a sudden uptick in Jack wanting to sit on my lap when he usually shows zero interest. The weather has been so beautiful the past few days - around eighty - which is really a blessing. But the house has been so chilly in the morning, and it reminds me that it will soon be chilly 24/7...I'm gonna wring all the enjoyment I can out of the weather today!
I used to do cat rescue years ago, and it gave me such a sense of purpose. The bonus was that I got to keep the ones that didn't get adopted. 😁 But it was a lot of work, and I could never do it today. We lost the last two of our sweet kitties from those long-ago days two years ago. Now I *only* have two. But I've always felt like I was my happiest, truest self when I was surrounded by cats (and a few collies to herd them, lol).
lol. We say they love us but probably they are trying to keep warm! Lol.
I hope you get enjoyment out of this nice weather before the cold hits!
You used to do rescue? That’s awesome! My cousin does rescue now. I love meeting the babies
I used to be a veterinarian technician. It was a very fulfilling job! It filled my heart to be helping the animals;). It broke my heart that this disease put a stop to it. But Bob makes me smile
I rescued and adopted unwanted dogs from the vet clinic. I felt bad for them. lol. At one point we had 3 cats and 4 dogs! Talk about a zoo! lol. It was fun
Yes, it's funny when they "love" us more when it's cold. 😊
It's sweet that you brought dogs home from work! I'm sure they made it up to you. ❤️ Three cats and four dogs does sound like fun! All the hair everywhere gets old, but everything else about having pets is wonderful. Plus you probably got a discount on vet bills?
I'm so sorry you can't do the job you loved anymore. 😢 MS really steals a lot from us. I hate it. But I'm glad we can still enjoy a pet or two, thank God!
He made my day. Thank you. 😺
I'm not really a cat person, although I do like barn cats. Bob has wonderful markings! He almost looks like a little jaguar. I could never do animal rescues, because I'd want to keep them all.
lol! Thank you. That’s the hardest part! That’s probably how I ended up with so many! He’s a bengal cat, 5th generation from the wild! He is half Asian Leopard cat and half domestic - he is different! (Acts different- he acts more like a dog than a cat)
I'll trade you Henry, my mother's resident idiot. She was trying to make supper...
He’s adorable! I can imagine him swatting at anything that comes near. I agree that it would make it difficult to prepare meals with him supervising.
Mum is what we love to call “eccentric” – One of those little old ladies who's five-foot-nothing and wears dresses and pearls to take the trash out. She loves picking up old china at thrift stores which she then uses daily and has sitting on the edge of every shelf. And every week, Henry manages to break something. For obvious reasons, we've banned her from keeping the family heirlooms. 🤪
Is this a Bangle?
My Uncle that i love was always the place to go...i sat on the table as a 3 yr old listening to his jokes and eating Butter(ewww)....right before his passing i stopped in and banged on the screen door...i am at one with animals... welllllll...This beautiful Bengal kitty put all fours on the screen and i high tailed it out immediately! Better than a guard dog...quite beautiful ,,, he always had a flare..mini horses snakes...my first dog.. does their coat take extra care?
Bob is totally gorgeous!! Thank you for sharing 🤗
thank you! Your welcome
Is Bob a bengal?
He's beautiful! Not a cat person myself, but I am a cat grandmom.🤭
thank you. Awe
I had never heard of a bengal. What a beautiful kitty! 😊
Greetings Xvettech. Lovely cat. Glad you have you happy place. Enjoy.
what a great photo! So glad you have Bob in your life. He looks like a great cat.❤️
Bob is stunning! I can picture him stealthily moving around. Enjoy every minute 🐾🐾
Adorable! 🥰 A cutie on duty ❤️

Thank you for putting a smile on my face with this picture of Bob, the cat, Xvettech ! He looks so chill! My cats are cuddly, more so these days. The temperatures are dipping below 100 here in AZ! 😺
it's funny. during winter (too brief here; i loooove winter), my elder cat gets under the covers and snuggles with me. i miss that during warmer months.
Stunning cat!