Have no limits. My Ex-neurologist tried the same thing on me. I was 60 and taking tecfidera. Found another neuro (script writer). I am 62 and still on it. The DMT's have not been out for very long to do age studies. The neuro's don't like prescribing because they cost a lot and liability is high. I like tecfidera. Been on it for 10 years. It is a pill take twice a day. I used to be on tysabri and felt great but tested positive for JCV. Don't give up.
DMT's: Have no limits. My Ex-neurologist... - My MSAA Community

It's great to hear that you were able to stay on your meds and are still doing well. Good for you! 😊
What do you mean "the liability is high?"
Great news that you are able to stay on your meds. What do you mean "the liability is high?" I have been on the generic of Tecfidera for approx 3 yrs and 2 yrs before that I was on Tecfidera. I am doing great on it, no more injections. My white cell count tends to be on the low side but as long is doesn't go below a certain number my Neuro is ok with me staying on it. I have a recheck with her today and most likely bloodwork after the appointment.
Keep using your meds
Yeah I tested positive for JC virus all ten years on Tysabri I kept on going, my nerologist felt that yearly MRI was good enough to check forPML. But, I've moved on to Retuxun.
My neuro. would not ok continuing with Tysabri. I went on tecfidera which is working fine.