G'day Relapsing-remitting ms (RRms) family. I hope YOU are having a good day, learning to cope with your newfound illness, especially if YOU are a newbie (newly diagnosed). YOU will be okay. Yes, it takes some adjusting, a few changes in plan, and a new outlook, BUT YOU can cope with this illness. Just slowly allow yourself. Easy to say but we do lose first spouses, maybe the second one is out there somewhere. Mine was, 20+ years after my DX (Diagnosis) I know where she sleeps every night, still. Your somebody might still be out there looking for YOU, as well.
Relax a little, find your DMT (Disease-Modifying Therapy), and take it per instructions. Accept it, and do not fight it. This is your life now.
Be well, and be at ease. This is a long journey we face, BUT YOU can do it.