I worked at a lot of different stations in the greater Toledo area and got very good at my job as a letter carrier( I know what's to be good at sticking letters in a box right?) But the truth is that getting the right letter in the right box sometimes in totally new surroundings is a lot more complicated than most folks think. Not to mention you also are required to co-ordinate magazines and packages as wel as letters... But I digress one station I worked at had a new carrier who was just starting out and was one of the few who seemed a natural (that was not me btw) she could sort the mail handle the mail in her hands, keep other mail co-ordinated and still make her prescribed times. One day I got back to the station to take a lunch break and she was there I asked if she was there for lunch as well,to which she responded"No I'm cold! I'm wet and tired! ... And I quit! She walked out ... At first I felt very bad and sad for her but on reflection I thought good for her she realized she didn't like it already and rather than working 30 and out and hating it she chose not to do the job not because she couldn't, but rather because she didn't want to. Way to go more power to you " not for everyone"
Not for everyone : I worked at a lot of... - My MSAA Community
Not for everyone
Well I for one appreciate our mail man. We always know when he is away because we get other peoples mail which if we don’t know the person we put the mail back in the mail box. It’s nice having someone who knows and cares about you. I had fallen one day in the yard and our mail man came with the mail and picked me up and stayed with me until he knew I was ok. ✔️
Our main one at my work is awesome. Not "just" as a carrier but as a human being. It's easier to chat with her at work rather than at home as the home one drives a truck.
Oh, I've had absolutely wonderful mailmen (and women!) over the years, at least up until the current one. The past ones were friendly, helpful, and always went out of their way. I even had one notify my rural neighbors to check on me when she saw me working on our roof. Everyone knew that my husband was out of town and the kids were just babies, and she was afraid that no one would find me if I fell.
Now, the current one is a real piece of work. If the dog's tied out back, she'll throw our packages on the ground right beside the road, because "We can't get out of our trucks if there's a dog". Last winter, she hung a bag full of delicate packages on the front of the mailbox (after dark) while attaching a note that she's not required to walk on snow-covered sidewalks. We had 1/4". She knows I have MS and frequently use a cane, but if she sees me outside she'll make me walk to the road to get my packages directly from her, even if they'll fit in the mailbox. I keep hoping that she'll retire soon, because the substitutes we get are great!
We love our mail lady.
She is 10 times betted than UPS, FedEx, Amazon, and any other delivery person that has brought us packages!
i do feel for them for they do have to go a lot to deliver the mail...especially during the winters...bless all of them

I love the USPS, Hidden ! I can rarely contain my excitement waiting for the mail to be delivered! I also love to send cards in the mail, and receiving them. Lately, I have noticed a sharp decline in the personal mail that I used to receive. Keep Smiling!