. Cel3brating 27 years since my original MS diagnosis .. .
Once upon a time I could wake up,hobble to the bathroom,pee and or poop,wipe, stand up,pull britches up,wash hands,hobble back to where I sleep,and either go back to bed to sleep some more,or dress and start my day.
Now I wake up,try to clear my eyes well enough to see the clock half a room away,get up, find the paper I have to write the date and the time. Then I hobble to the bathroom.do I pull down my britches and sit down on the toilet? NOPE!I find the hat"hat" the urologist/gynecologist gave me,lift the toilet seat,set that "hat" in the appropriate position, lower the toilet seat. Now,I can pull my pants down and hope I haven't already started peeing, sit down on the toilet and .. .
Nothing because when I go to any medical facility,I CAN'T PEE ON CUE!!!!!
. And my home now feels like I live in a doctor's office!
. So, I try to pee,but that is NOT all that is coming out of my body, but no "test" will happen from this. Just a measurement which won't be accurate now because of the poop. But I can wipe,stand up and pull up pants. And "hat " tilts over losing most of what was in it.
. I get to wash the "hat"and put it away. I hobble back and forget going back to sleep because I'm fully awake. I couldn' t write down the full "urine void"amount to compare with what I will get when I cath myself.oh, well. Right now I must provide the lap for Mr. Johnathon T.Fuzzibutt'sLap Time routien and attempt to take the 3pill cups of my morning meds, then take my "fasting" glucose numbers . . .
. Now I can get a swig of coffee and select what piece of fresh fruit that will be my breakfast.I gobble down a banana, pee again (#$%& measuring it!) And head out for my walk--only one lap around the park as I'm still recovering from my "booster" in February. I get home and try to dodge Mr.Johnathon T. Fuzzibutt figure 8s around my ankles to get to the bathroom to pee,and hopefully before it is running down my legs. Again no measurement. I hobble back to the spot near my computer so I can now take my "meal"glucose numbers.
. After all that,I can finally drink a cup of coffee and,maybe do my work-out,providing I have Mr.Johnath T.Fuzzibutt' s permission,or start laundry, pull out things to thaw for dinner, go hoe weeds,or do house work.