I just found out that my insurance company is refusing to renew my Vumerity perscription and is forcing me to take the generic of Tecfidera. (also found out is it's a literal no name drug as it goes by 'generic Tecfidera' in every post!) Aside from my insurance company taking 2 months and not once contacting me-I have made every call-I am a bit freaked out about this. I was on Tecfidera and thought it was great. I didn't have side effects and was upright and moving when the same insurance co. decided they wouldn't cover it 2 years ago. I was given a choice of Vumerity or the generic Tecfidera. My doctor who also conducts research said that the generic hasn't had the same research done on it so we went with Vumerity which is ok not great but still I'm upright and moving so fine. I do know from our insurance company rep at work that a generic can be great or horrible and relayed her emergency room visit after being forced to take a generic heart medication. The gist is that even tho they have the same active ingredients it may be at a higher or lower amount AND they may also have added ingredients that make them different from the name brand. I found out today that the problem is that Tecfidera lost its patent fight against Viatris co. formally called Mylan (both federal level and the federal appeal) and will need to take it to the Supreme Court to fight it. So, insurance company is only looking to save money and that is with the generic company Viatris. So, how well does this generic work? It's been out on the market for a couple years. Who's been on it and how does it hold up to the others?
Tecfidera vs generic Tecfidera - My MSAA Community
Tecfidera vs generic Tecfidera

Hi! No experience myself with those medications, but I saw this old post that may help? healthunlocked.com/mymsaa/p...
There's also a handful of folks (in the comments) in this one that you could try to follow up and ask questions:
I just don’t know, but I hope someone can advise. Good luck. Never fun fighting insurance!
I was in the brand Tecfidera and was changed to the Generic and it works ok so far. I have been on it almost a yr now🙏🏾
Same here! Not sure why my doc switched it to generic, I just know when it was time for a new script, it was generic and Tecfidera. So far it has been working fine for me and my recent MRIs didn't show any new activity so I'm happy about that!
I've been on the generic for about 1 year. I have had no issues with it. I have less flushing than I had with the original. I have had one set of MRI's since starting that show no progression. Except for flushing I had no problems with the name either.
Hi MElovesthesnow ! I fought tooth and nail to get Tecfidera after I was forced onto dimethyl fumarate (Tecfidera’s generic name) last year. I immediately had paresthesia(pins and needles) every night disturbing my sleep from dimethyl fumarate. How do I know? The symptom stopped once I got my Tec back. Nevertheless, I had to say good bye to Tec(my friend of 9 years) and hello to Vumerity in February of this year because the insurance dropped Tec coverage. I sure do hope they don’t drop Vumerity like they unfortunately did in your case. Good luck on dimethyl fumarate. Just pay attention to your symptoms and give yourself 2 weeks to adjust. I wonder if my symptoms would have gone away after I adjusted. What’s not working for you with Vumerity-just curious- so I can be on the lookout…BOLO…sorry…too many crime documentaries. ☺️
Yeah I was good on Vumerity too but the insurance company denied coverage after 2 years. Tecfidera lost their patent to the company who created the generic and it’s cheaper for them. I was on Tecfidera and was happy but the almighty dollar wins.
Bless all of you for the help. Sending everyone lots of happiness!!
I was on Tecfidera for about 4 years but I had to switch because my JCV levels were too high. Vumerity and Tecfidera are not the same DMT. They are similar in how they work but for many patients Vumerity has fewer side effects. Especially GI issues. If you can appeal, personally I definitely would. Also, based on my experience I would also consider switching to another DMT altogether before using a generic. Some are basically made in the same facility as the brand name drug but others are imported from overseas where the quality and efficacy can be sketchy. That’s my 2¢.
sorry don't have any idea of it ...sorry good luck ...
OK, if your doctor is willing to fill out some extra paperwork there may be a way to get the name brand Tecfidera. If you can request and appeal or on the denial, then they send the paperwork to your doctor to fill out. It may take a couple of weeks to get it turned around. IDK how you are insured but certain insurance services are required to fill one month when they issue the denial. Also, contact the pharmaceutical company and see if they can help with their Patient Assistance Programs in the meantime while you are going thru all the red tape.. many times these companies have programs and advocates even that will help you with supply and assistance with paperwork and what not for the insurance company
Has your neuro appealed?
again, patient heal thyself!urrgghhh!
You may have to take the generic for a couple of months but after 3 weeks tell your Dr that it's causing problems & ask her to fill out the extra paperwork for the insurance co stating you can't take the generic due to complications. The insurance company should approve at least the Vumerity. I had to do that with Lyrica. They wouldn't cover it & wanted me to take Gabapentin. I took it for a few weeks & it made me wacko. The Dr filled out the paperwork & they covered the Lyrica.
Hello MElovesthesnow I also take tecfidera and have been since I found out I had MS. It works great for me also. My insurance company did the same to me. they wanted me to get the cheap generic tecfidera . I took it for a couple of months and I did not like it. I was getting sick to the stomach and headache, itchiness. I told me dr and he fought with the insurance company for me to get back on tecfidera . He wasn't happy when they switched me anyway. I'm doing so much better with the original medicine.good luck
Hi! I'm brand new. I have a feeling this is what's about to happen to me. Like many people on here, my scrip was suddenly changed to generic Tecfidera and I got a letter from my insurance co. saying they would no longer cover Tecfidera...but that the generic would supposedly save me money. No way! My copay for Tecfidera was and has been ZERO thanks to Biogen's Zero Copay program. But my copay for the generic was going to be something like $600. How is that less than Zero? So, my doc switched me to Vumerity. Now, when trying to do my usual monthly refill, the specialty pharmacy is telling me that they need a new pre-authorization from the doc. If they stop covering Vumerity, I guess I'll be in the same boat as you are. Sorry I can't weigh in on the generic.
Oh wow, this is crazy like you I have a 0 payment as well thanks to Biogen as well. without them I couldn't afford my medicines, thank you Lord for them. I'm happy my doctor fought for me to continue, I have been doing very well with Tecfidera. I hope that I will continue. I hope and pray it will all work out for you.