my legs and hips are slaying me.yes we are in for bad thunderstorms.i am like farmer brown my joints ache. I do get tired of this stupid,stupid is my hubby's birthday, i had big plans like go pick up dinner at restaurant,thank goodness i already shopped for him,today i am whimpy,didn't someone on here have their hips replaced?? lots of tears today, why can't i get up and go????not fair,right! why ask why.....................
pain,ouch: my legs and hips are slaying me... - My MSAA Community

Good morning, Pam, I am so sorry that you are having such a rough day. My little worn-out body is a walking, stumbling, aching barometer too. Yes, it is a pain in the butt, and the arms and the legs and the neck and the head and the all-over, sometimes. I fell flat in the floor 2 weeks before Christmas, and had a green and purple nose, face and a broken right shoulder for Christmas.
I am so sorry and wish I could help. I hope the barometric pressure changes and that you feel better very very soon.
With me, the MS pains are random (though stabbing) and short lived. My several repaired fractures respond to the weather in long lasting aching ways. And then there is the wear and tear of age to complicate matters.
My younger sister (76) has RA and a hip replacement. She's recovered from the surgery, but can only garden seated or standing up. No more bending at the waist (or kneeling to weed). And of course, her joints still respond to the barometer (and since she lives in St. Louis, that's awfully often).
Give your husband the gift you purchased, and wish him a very happy birthday. Wrap yourself up, stay warm and take to your bed if that's best. Then, when the storms pass, and you are back to what's normal for you, pick up that special dinner and surprise your dear man with an "unbirthday" moment. A birthday that says "I'm so glad you are in the world with me" can be celebrated any time !
So sorry to hear about your aches and pains. Completely understand the frustration of just wanting to get up and go but having a body that doesn’t cooperate!
Saying a prayer for you and I hope your husband knows how you love him and tried your best for his birthday. Hope you can take some time to rest!
So sorry to hear you are in such pain! (Heating pad, ibuprofen???) I hope you feel better soon!
I hope you feel better soon and wish your husband a happy birthday 🥳
sorry about the pain you're enduring. i had one of my hips replaced just before covid (avascular necrosis). by the time i got it done it was bone on bone. of all the different types of pain i have, i think bone pain is the worst. i was scared to do it and also angry i needed it at such a young age, but i was up that day and going up and down stairs within a week without a problem. i shouldn't have waited so long!
thank you! you give me my faith back,and my sister and friend had their hips replaced and both said i should not have waited!
omgoodness. I have avascular necrosis in the long bone above my right knee. there is a procedure that can be done that is much like filling a tooth. They go in with a scope and scrape out the necrosis and fill it with a material that is actually harder than the original bone but ortho's in this area do not want to learn how to do this because there is not nearly as much money to be made with it as replacing the entire knee. There is nothing wrong with my knee. a little arthritis that i manage very well with ibuprofen or aleve.. i have been to 4 different ortho's in this area and not one of them will entertain this procedure. They all went immediately to knee replacement, which i do not need. I am so frustrated...
huh, i've not heard of that. i inherited weak joints from my dad (agent orange) and he got both knees fully replaced, not one but twice! 😮😦poor man. i bet he would've wanted to try something like that first. i hate it when drs focus more on themselves than us. unfortunately, it's not just neuros. *sigh
is there a registry of orthos you can look into or a link from a society that might help connect you with a doctor who does the procedure you want? 🤞 i hope you find one.
well thats one reason I am not keen to do knee replacement. The replacement knee joints are not designed to last more than 10 years or so. If you outlive the longevity of the replacement knee that was installed in your body you will need to have the surgery again, and again.. i am in my early 60's now.. was in my 50's when they were telling me to have this done.. no.. I will take my chances until i can find someone to do this other procedure
good to hear