Hi all I have a question for you. The temperature here has changed yesterday it got up to 90*f and today will be the same. I woke up this morning with a Huge hug pain on my right side I haven’t had a pain like this in a long time. Question is does any one else get these pains when the weather changes. One other thing is, I know you won’t believe this I have a sweatshirt and placket on. This day is not starting out well. My thighs feel numb, I just don’t feel good today, hopefully it gets better.
HUGGING PAIN : Hi all I have a question... - My MSAA Community

I don’t know if this will help you but as you know I have been doing the MS gym on Facebook and in one of the videos he has an exercise that help relieve the pain of the hug. He has you lay on your back and massage the lower part of your ribs for 30 Minutes. I don’t have the MS hug so I can’t tell how many times you should do it. This was under the video for either the spine or lower back.
I was having really bad back pain and after doing the exercises for the back just once I didn’t have any pain after that.
The MS focus has indorse his website as well as the Multiple sclerosis news today website.
Here is the link for The multiple sclerosis news today for the five best MS workout sites
I’ve looked at the site and right now I had my lunch early and had a 5mg of Tylenol/coden
The pain has subsided a little bit so crossing my fingers.
Thank you

I have to say I like your name my name is Sandra too. Now about those pain you know what they are a BIG PAIN AND I CAN’T STAND THEM. I haven’t had them this bad for a very long time. And you are right no one but here know how BAD they feel. THANK YOU 😊
R u referring to the MS Gym? Can u find the specific video? Are u a member or is this one of the nonmember videos? Thanks @ rjoneslaw
I am a member of the free part not the paid. As for sending or posting a link on here I am unable since it's on facebook and you have to join the facebook group. I will look for the name of the video I referred to so you can find it if you have joined the group. You can see some of the MS gym videos on youtube
I hope you feel better soon.
Hope you are starting to feel better ssdw1958 I have always loved a good thunderstorm, ever since I was a kid! However, my dog doesn't much care for the thunder part so she has her Calming Collar on and is ready for it. Hope you feel better soon.
Thanks I am feeling a very little bit better. Sorry to say we didn’t have a thunderstorm but we had a torrential down pour.
Hope you feel better soon 🌈
Thank you I just looked at the humidity it’s at 71%and it is even 9:a.m. not, me feet feel like lead
Good luck to you and everyone else.
The only good thing about Reynards with my feet being cold and feels pretty good right now.
Where the heck do u live? I’m in central fla and I don’t think it’s that bad yet 🌴
I live in Massachusetts once the temperature goes up so dose the humidity I took a shower and I feel better right now. I mean really the temperature went up about 40*f in one day that’s crazy we went from winter to summer we skipped spring.
That’s New England for you wait a minute the weather will change again New England for you wait a minute the weather will change again.
ssdw1958 Temp shot up here a few days ago, so now the AC is on. When it's 92 outside, even the trees can't keep it cool inside. Apparently, the sudden onset of the heat made me light headed and wobblier than usual. I plan to ease into summer, because it's not going away for a good bit yet!
Same thing happens to me. My symptoms get noticeably worse in the heat. Neuropathy in my feet and hug on my right side got more intense yesterday with the higher temp. For me, it seems like as my body adjusts to the summer temperature, I begin to feel a bit better. But summer temps always cause me problems. I do as much as I can to stay in air-conditioning.
We are in the same boat, last night I my husband asked how I was doing and I told him I hurt and he said to me you always hurt when the temperature changes and I said yes I do but I didn’t think it had been this bad but I guess when the temperature goes from 40*f to 90*f it sure makes a differents
Well I’ll see what happens to day.
I hope you feel better now.
Well let me tell you something the pain is still there but now my legs are not so good. I wanted to know what I had put in a basket near my recliner because I kept on running into it with my rollator. Big mistake I cleaned it out which is a good thing but I had so many magazines hitting my feet I couldn’t move. Now my legs feel like heavy weights if you know what I mean. Well that container of stuff my oldest son had left me, not that I wanted them and I look 👀 at them every day I need them to be gone. So I have decided I am going to have to do it’s just that they have heavy.
Oh I truly HATE this disease my house was so clean before I had it.
Well it’s a good thing I stopped to reply to your post I’m doing a little more rested.
I have been having same issue with house not being as clean as it used to be! It kills me!!! They r talking about me needing surgery on my arm cuz i fell and the pain is intense ( not as bad as hug pain but still pain).
But yes the humidity and change of barometric pressure has a lot of effect on my body.
Well took a shower and almost fell Great but I didn’t I had a full bottle of body wash fall thinon my foot not the good foot of course then the grab bar came loose I made it but really what else. That darn bottle now I have a black and blue and the top of my foot is swollen. Oh joy oh bliss. NOT!
I hope your day is better than mine.
Taking a shower can be an adventure cant it? I dread it and put it off as much as possible but then i get all itchy and gross. I have found the smaller body wash bottles to be better to hang on too. And the intuition refillable razors that have the shaving cream in the blades have fat handles to hold on to as well. And i use a LOT of dry shampoo these days 😁
OK I’m going to try to do this again I did it before and I lost the whole thing I didn’t realize they had razor blades that have shaving shaving cream in the blades that’s a great idea. Well with that so chilled bottle falling on my foot now my foot is swollen what a day! My foot is a pretty color purple. You know when you drop something by your foot and all of a sudden you got that feeling of this going down not good in the shower. Good thing I have my well with that so gel bottle falling on my foot now my foot swollen what a day! My foot is a pretty color purple. You know when you drop something for your foot and all of a sudden you got that feeling of this going down not good in the shower. Good thing I have a shower chair but I was too far back to be able get back up so I had to get the cheer board so we will be able to grab my handicap, I grab the other buyer that is suction cups those are not good it released from the wall one part of it. I didn’t go down. I got out of the shower thank God I didn’t have to press the button you know the one I’ve fallen and I can’t get up I really didn’t want to call them when I had no clothes on. But now my foot as a tinge of purple on it oh great. I hope nothing else happens today. You have a great day no falling I didn’t so I guess it is a good day bye for now thanks again about the razors I have to look for those.
When I get that Hugging Pain I start drinking cold water & put my cooling vest on. Why that helps, I don't know, but it does. I guess drinking makes you use different muscles & the cooling vest is kind of tight & the cold stops the spasms. At least that's my guess as to why. I just know it works for me & I don't have to take any drugs to make it go away.
Ssdw1958, it's Fancy1959. As I tell so many people with their various symptoms make sure you keep a log of the symptoms. Write, down when they are worse when they are better. Put down if anything helps them. Then when you go to neurologist next take it with you. It seems that a lot of people with MS have various degrees of heat intolerance. As this complicated and complex disease picks and chooses its victims and picks and chooses how we react to it the same as said for our heat intolerance. I simply feel worn out like a wet noodle if I stay out very long and I'm not able to do much of anything. I am fortunate not to have a lot of specific pain though. I like everybody's advice about keeping hydrated first and foremost. The heat can really zap the liquids from you without you being aware of how fast they're leaving your body. Try keeping a big Shady hat on your head and going out in the or early mornings or the late evenings when the heat is less intense. That's the best advice I can give you but at any rate it's less than we desire but hopefully will help with your symptoms.
I v also hate taking showers. How can such a simple task be so difficult and impossible to do. Especially since we learn to do this task is very young children and now as adults it totally drains us. As far as falling please be careful. I have a bamboo shower seat that fits across the back of my shower then I had my husband put two grab bars in the shower. I try to do most of my showering while sitting down. But we all know that there are a few spots you can't reach in that position. That's all I've got to add. Ssdw1958, whatf an awesome post full of information I'm sure that a lot of people can benefit from. Remember as always together we are stronger! Fancy.
Hi Fancy1959 I do need to write things down because I know i will not to remember everything. I remember I had something my eye doctor told me and I put it down on my phone under notes that what I should do because my phone is always with me.
The hug pain has passed but know I am cold the temperature was 90*f three days ago and now it’s 60*f crazy weather.
Oh that shower I do have a shower chair I was standing and a full bottle of body wash fell on the top of my bad foot. When it happened I almost lost my balance I grabbed the hand grip that’s in my shower it isn’t screwed down well one part came apart but I grabbed a lower bar that’s for decoration and my husband put another grab bar. I have a medal one but I was too far away from it but I got control and that was a fast shower. Sad to say I know have a black and blue on my foot. Know I know why I had a hard time putting on my shoe.