I am a musician in the orchestra. Sometimes I don't like the instrument (my body) I was given to play. Sometimes I don't like the song I'm given (MS symptoms). My job is to play the music in front of me with the only instrument I have. No trade ins. No give backs. No going on strike. Instead I can try to make beautiful music. I can make the most of this gift. Thanks Higher Power for this seat in the orchestra.
MS as a metaphor for Music: I am a... - My MSAA Community
MS as a metaphor for Music

Wow, I love it. Thank you for sharing. 🤗
Thanks for sharing 👍🙏😉🤗 Ken 🐾🐾
I like this metaphor very much.
Now cue some kazoo music for me for I am about to hurry to the bathroom
I do too! I am a singer-songwriter and my first original song I wrote is about MS , thanks for this beautiful post.
Hey Alexa, can you send a link to it? would love to hear it.
Sure thing! Here are all my links. linktr.ee/Michelleannmusic I’d love for you or anyone else who sees this to follow like with subscribe and to find a free version of the song you can hit the YouTube snd it’s the one that says “sing above” that is about MS. It is also available for purchase if you love it at all the normal media outlets iTunes/ Amazon music etc. can’t wait to hear what you think! Hope it touches you!
Dear Michelle, the song is beautiful. i looked up your website and was inspired. would love to connect directly.

What a wonderful way to approach your ‘ms’, Sandydemop I will dance to the sweet music that I hear from you. Thank you 😊
Sandy,That was perfectly stated. It's
fantastic you're a musician!
well said
love this ...wonderful way to look at it and i agree ...so great ...just love it ...have a wonderful day and so many more ...love and much happiness ....so great ...very well said ...
I really like that metaphor. Reminds me of a quote I memorized as a teenager, with no idea what life I would lead. "I don't want to spend my life stringing and restringing my instrument while the song I came to play never gets played." (Tagore). We will play the tune God gave us to play, even if it changes from fast bee-bop music to a very slow waltz.